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[0.5.2]RC-T Lite![PvP/PvE][50 slots][No whitelist][All mods enabled]


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But RS-Latches have nothing to do with computers...

BtW: Which exploit do you mean exactly?

I do know for sure that in tekkit classic you are able to crash any server with 3 redstone and a computer, check youtube or google for it I bet you'll find it

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Sorry to say that but mystcraft was abused slightly too hard pushing server to point where it was unable to start up as it would instantly crash.

We're working on decision weither we want to keep it or get rid of it. More information awaits

ok look for Zilacon if you want to know because he explained it to me

just dont say i sent you because recently we got into a "fight"

and i hate him he still thinks its a joke

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