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Changing a modpack's basemod?


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EDIT: This isn't a thing yet.

the file does come from elsewhere I believe. it's downloaded from the technic file mirror along with the mods and all that. I think you may be pleased with what is coming in the next few weeks on this front. right now though, it's not configurable really.

Hello, beautiful people!

tl;dr: Is there any way to make a custom modpack update itself off of a modpack's rec/dev builds, rather than the vanilla Minecraft builds? Changing things in .techniclauncher/launcher/custom#/modpack.yml doesn't work.

technically legible; don't read:

I'm trying to set up a custom pack based off of an existing modpack without overwriting the original modpack (mainly so I can have all the mods from Tekkit Lite for SSP, and play on standard Tekkit Lite servers). Obviously I can copy the relevant folders from Tekkit Lite and add them to the custom zip, but it seems like there should be a lazier option.

I was poking around in .techniclauncer, and eventually modpack.yml, while fucking up at custom zip.

//In a custom pack or Vanilla:




        minecraft: 1.4.7


            basemods: vanilla-v1.4.5


//In Tekkit Lite:



        minecraft: 1.4.7

        forge: 517


            basemods: tekkitlite-v0.5.6

            [fucktons of mods]

It seems like there should be someway to change the mods or basemods tags on a custom pack to make it stay up to date with Tekkit lite. I tried just copying one copy of the file on top of another, but the original just reasserts itself. That sort of implies a pack's launcher data is coming from somewhere external, but a) it seems weird for that to not be configurable, and B) I can't find a file for it.

Searching for this on the forums doesn't work very well, since "basemods" is a keyword in a lot of crash dumps.

Can I actually do this? Should I actually do this?

Thanks for the help!

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the file does come from elsewhere I believe. it's downloaded from the technic file mirror along with the mods and all that. I think you may be pleased with what is coming in the next few weeks on this front. right now though, it's not configurable really.

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Ah, okay. I'd heard there was going to be an update to the launcher, it's cool something like this'll be in it. Is anything specific public yet, or should I just wait my damn turn?

Thanks again1

tbh I have little insider knowledge on the front. the most that I know for sure is that it will look amazing. outside of that, I have little hard info for you.

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