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Server halts, but chat inexplicably works



Title: Server halts, but chat inexplicably works

Version: 0.5.1

OS: Client: Windows 7, most recent update. Server: MineOS Crux, most recent stable.

Java Version: Client: Java SE Runtime Environment 1.7.0_02-b13 Server: Java SE Runtime Environment 1.7.0-b147

Description of Problem:

I am running tekkit lite from a dedicated server, and occasionally the server just freezes for no apparant reason. I and my other players can move around, but we cannot place blocks, no GUIs function, and all the redstone devices stop. When we chat, the chat goes through, but nothing else happens. After about 30 seconds, all players are booted simultaneously with a "read timed out" exception.

SSHing into the server is strange. I can connect to the server, and using "screen -r" can see that the server is still running. Over SSH, there are no visible error messages on the server. Stranger yet, I see all the chat echoed back in real time, but I cannot type in any commands. (Or rather, I can, but pressing "enter" does nothing. The server ignores whatever I type into it.) I cannot even halt the server. Pressing Ctrl-C causes the server to say "Stopping server...", but then it does not, nor does it give me back my shell prompt. Further invocations of Ctrl-C do nothing. Instead, I must close my SSH session, start a new one, and "sudo reboot". After that, the server can be started up normally.

This has only ever happened while I have been playing on the server. If my wife and friends are all on the server, it never does this. If I connect, however, it will halt in this manner within about half an hour at most. I'm wondering if perhaps my client, my inventory, or my network connection is somehow corrupt and is sending the server something it cannot handle.

Any ideas?

Note: It says my tekkit lite version is 0.5.1 in the thing at the bottom, but that is not the case. It's actually 0.5.7, but it's not giving me that as an option in the dropdown list.

Error Messages:

None, see above.

Error Log:

None, see above.

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