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I know im prolly stupid for not knowing how to start a server but can sum1 please tell me how i start a Tekkit server or can sum1 create one for me. I only want at the most 10 people on it. Just a server for me and my friends so sum1 please help


Download the tekkit server client and run that on your home machine. If your computer isn't powerfull enough then you will need to find a host.

If all else fails, just get all your friends together on a public server.


Im gonna download the server client but what do u i do after that? Are there prompts that tell me what to do and we tried a public server but it was too laggy and we got griefed alot. Thanks for replying btw



Youtube is an excellent resource for this. Also, its been a while since I have actualy had to do a set up. What are your computer specs?


Ive tried youtube in the past and i still couldnt do it but would it be possible for sum1 to make the server for me and then just tell me the IP and then mod me and then the server would basically be mine then?


I have 4 GB of RAM but like i said, i just want a small server with a couple of my friends. Not a public server with like 20-30 people


Rath, if you want to make a server on your own computer, you must port forward (or, if you have a weird router, host DMZ) the port 25565 TCP & UDP. Also, you need at LEAST 4 gigabytes of RAM, about 2.30 GHz of CPU power, and a decent internet.

To port forward, open start, type CMD in the search bar in the bottom. type "ipconfig" and press enter. Then find "default gateway". Navigate to this address in your internet browser. This should lead you to a config page which requires a username and password. If you have made a custom password, type it in. If you did not do this, type "admin" as both user and pass. If this still does not work, consult your network administrator or ISP. Then go to Port Forwarding from the config screen. Make a new entry for "Minecraft" and put 25565 as the port and do both TCP and UDP. After a bit, it should be set up. Now find your external IP by typing "ip" in Google search. The shown number is your IP. Note that this will change if you do not have a static IP or DMZ. Start up your server and share the IP.

If your hardware did not meet the recommendation I gave, you might consider renting hosting.


Well thank u for ur post kingsocarso but i dont have enough RAM to host a server so would it be possible for sum1 to host a server for me? Like i originally said, i just want a private server with at the MOST 10 people.


I will be using my current laptop to run the server if i have to at least until i hopefully get a desktop for my birthday in April

Then wait till then and do what king said once you get it. No way you are going to be able to run a server on a laptop and play on it at the same time on the same computer. Until then go for a whitelist server. If you want to you can go on mine for the time being. "Industrial Age". Just search it up.


Then wait till then and do what king said once you get it. No way you are going to be able to run a server on a laptop and play on it at the same time on the same computer. Until then go for a whitelist server. If you want to you can go on mine for the time being. "Industrial Age". Just search it up.

Well i will def look into ur server but like i said would it be possible for sum1 to make a server for me and then just give me the IP and then it would pretty much be a private server cuz i would prefer if its possible for the server to be just me and my friends mainly cuz we may be recording a series eventually


Well i will def look into ur server but like i said would it be possible for sum1 to make a server for me and then just give me the IP and then it would pretty much be a private server cuz i would prefer if its possible for the server to be just me and my friends mainly cuz we may be recording a series eventually

In that case, if your doing a lets play you could have a world to your selfs if you advertise the server in your vids.


Well we wont be doing a server for awhile cuz the recorder is in the process of moving so he wont be able to record for a while but could sum1 still do it for me just to be a nice person? lol


Again, just go on something public for now if your that desperate.

Another issue if u dont mind helping me with is that i tried using Sphax 128X128 for Tekkit but the Tekkit stuff wasnt textured so can u help me with that? I know this isnt the right place to post this. I just thought that u could help me with that also


I have never used texture packs so I'm not to sure.

Last time I tried I ended up with a corrupted world (don't ask how I managed to do that).

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