FinalCorruption Posted February 16, 2013 Author Posted February 16, 2013 No problem rage, Thanks for donating That is another thing, guys. If you would like to donate, use the server /motd for the link. Since you can't access that atm, if you want to donate, you can do one of the following: Visit this link: Or, send me donation to the following paypal account: If you're unsure, add me on skype!
rage652 Posted February 16, 2013 Posted February 16, 2013 make sure u double check banned item so no one can smuggle
FinalCorruption Posted February 16, 2013 Author Posted February 16, 2013 Yeah, we're all set. Currently updating the donation packages so there is a larger variety for all of you to choose from.
FinalCorruption Posted February 16, 2013 Author Posted February 16, 2013 Donation packages now updated, with the highest package available being called: Resurrect thee, thy lord - $120.00 (Will have a coupon on this, for an even better deal) Also, please check out all the new kits we offer. UPDATE: Still backing up all of the files, just in case something goes wrong. Which, has just under 200 files left. (About 20-60 minutes) then the server should be up, about 20 minutes after that.
MrH3ro Posted February 16, 2013 Posted February 16, 2013 damn, that means i got to donated other 90$.. >_<
FinalCorruption Posted February 16, 2013 Author Posted February 16, 2013 Click on the more info button to read about it.
nick3975 Posted February 16, 2013 Posted February 16, 2013 MODERATOR APP NAME: nick3975 or also known as arishap AGE: 13 TIMEZONE: Australia Sydney SKYPE: N/A TESTING: Somebody is trying to dupe with a RM Furance, what would i do? i would first see how many times they have done it, if it has been once or twice i would take a screenshot and do a 1 hour to 30 min ban, then i would tell a admin/owner and show them the screen shot and i will ask what they think. If it was a ton of times i would banned for a day and take a screenshot and ask owner/admin What's the Owners name? finalcorruption or if you count the old server it would be iWantMyFile5 Another moderator is being abusive with powers, you would?: message a higher rank then me straight away i would ban if i could and try to tell him to stop/calm him down An Admin is being abusive with powers, you would?:i would ask them to stop and tell a owner straight away i would also take a screen shot and post on forums. Someone is Spamming, and cussing. You would?:if it was something racist or if they did it way to many times i would give a 10 min mute if they use factions/me to keep on talking i would 1 hour ban and take a screen shot if they come back online and keep on going i would ban for a day and tell a admin/owner Somebody advertised their IP. You would?: ban for ever because that would count as spam and advertising which is very bad ADDITIONAL Why do you want to be a moderator?: i love this server and i would like to help with anything possible and help as many players as possible What past experience as Moderator do you have?: i used to own a server dont have any more but i know about plugins and how to treat people
Bob_915 Posted February 16, 2013 Posted February 16, 2013 "FinalCorruption said: No. No? That's all you got? No reason? God this server's gone down hill...
Poptarticus86 Posted February 16, 2013 Posted February 16, 2013 "Bob_915 said: Hiya it's me, I would like to apologize for my behavior earlier. I genuinely assumed that the building were not part of spawn, this however is no excuse for the crass and disrespectful way I talked to the staff. I ask only but for one more chance as I once enjoyed myself on the server and relished the challenge of my fellow minecraftian. I promise, hand on heart, that I will ad hear to any and all rules placed upon me if I return. -Sincerely, mr_bob915915 Sounds like you griefed spawn. Also sounds like you used a tad too much foul language towards people who were probably less than appreciative of your griefing spawn. Generally the location that you first enter into after logging in for the first time is called 'spawn', hence 'spawning in'. You want a reason? You're flat-assed retarded.
Bob_915 Posted February 16, 2013 Posted February 16, 2013 "Poptarticus86 said: Sounds like you griefed spawn. Also sounds like you used a tad too much foul language towards people who were probably less than appreciative of your griefing spawn. Generally the location that you first enter into after logging in for the first time is called 'spawn', hence 'spawning in'. You want a reason? You're flat-assed retarded. You're serious? You're a fucking idiot... You don't know what happened....
rage652 Posted February 16, 2013 Posted February 16, 2013 "Bob_915 said: No? That's all you got? No reason? God this server's gone down hill... bob shut it u griefed spawn and swore and staff ur not getting back on and the server will be better without u so stop posting on this thread ur not part of the community
Bob_915 Posted February 17, 2013 Posted February 17, 2013 "rage652 said: bob shut it u griefed spawn and swore and staff ur not getting back on and the server will be better without u so stop posting on this thread ur not part of the community You're serious? You're a fucking idiot... You don't know what happened...
FinalCorruption Posted February 17, 2013 Author Posted February 17, 2013 "Bob_915 said: You're serious? You're a fucking idiot... You don't know what happened... All I have got to say is, No. I am not going in depth about how, or why I banned you, nor are you being unbanned for the very comment above me, explains your maturity. "God this server has gone downhill" This server has been online for 2 weeks total. It hasn't changed.
Firebolt23232323 Posted February 17, 2013 Posted February 17, 2013 Moderator Application Name: Firebolt23232323 is my IGN ask me if you meant IRL name Age:14 TimeZone: U.S and Canada Central Time Skype: firebolt1 or firebolt23232323 Any other chat program: Team Speak and Mumble and Facebook TESTING Somebody is trying to dupe with a RM Furance, you would?: Tell them to stop and take away the things they duped and warn them if they don't stop then I will ban the RM furnace What's the Owners name?: FinalCorruption Another moderator is being abusive with powers, you would?: Tell owner/admin and kick them as a warning An Admin is being abusive with powers, you would?: Tell owner/admin and kick Someone is Spamming, and cussing. You would?:Mute them for 5=10 minutes Somebody advertised their IP. You would?: Mute them and Kick them or even ban them if they take too many players ADDITIONAL Why do you want to be a moderator?: To help out players, answer questions and reduce duping. I just love to help out and I love this server and everyone on it and I think I made good friends and I think I would do good as Mod What past experience as Moderator do you have?: Right now I am mod on 4 servers and former Mod on 2 servers (both of them were shut down) (Also I am admin on 3 servers right now)
zeedawg368 Posted February 17, 2013 Posted February 17, 2013 Moderator Application Name:Zeedawg368 Age:15 TimeZone:US Eastern Skype:Zeedawg45368 Any other chat program: TESTING Somebody is trying to dupe with a RM Furance, you would?: socialspy them,along with mute and jailing them. If problem continues, i would ban the user. What's the Owners name?:FinalCorruption Another moderator is being abusive with powers, you would?:contact owner with issues An Admin is being abusive with powers, you would?:contact owner with issues Someone is Spamming, and cussing. You would?: mute, socialspy them Somebody advertised their IP. You would?:mute,socialspy, and then kick ADDITIONAL Why do you want to be a moderator?: I would really love to become a spawn builder, and like to keep a calm server running smoothly, it would be an honor to be able to be granted such privileges. I feel as though I could do the server a lot of good. What past experience as Moderator do you have?:
yomang Posted February 17, 2013 Posted February 17, 2013 admin Application Name: yomang Age: 24 Time Zone: Eastern Standard Time Skype: no Any other chat program: Nope I have no mic TESTING A moderator is being abusive with powers, you would?: 1: Give them a warning tell them to stop. 2: If they don't stop temp demote for them to cool down. 3: If all goes wrong them temp ban/ban. Another Admin is being abusive with powers, you would?: Tell the owner to demote/ban them or just tell them to stop. Somebody claims another player is hacking, what would you do: Try to get evidence of the hacker then ban him. Somebody tries to dupe, you would?: Ban them since its a rule or temp ban depends of the case of Duping. A moderator is spamming, you would?: Tell him to stop or kick him to knock some sense into him. A moderator is telling people to join another server, you would?: Ban the moderator advertising is a number 1 rule on the server. ADDITIONAL Why would you like to be an Admin?: Because I find this server to be fun and have a lot of potential for me in the future. What past experience as Admin do you have?: I have experience with admin I had my own server for a little bit but then I didn't feel like paying for it anymore.
FinalCorruption Posted February 18, 2013 Author Posted February 18, 2013 Server is currently DOWN. There is some errors with it, that I am unsure about. If you could all be patient, I am working as hard as I can to fix this issue.
Bob_915 Posted February 18, 2013 Posted February 18, 2013 "FinalCorruption said: All I have got to say is, No. I am not going in depth about how, or why I banned you, nor are you being unbanned for the very comment above me, explains your maturity. "God this server has gone downhill" This server has been online for 2 weeks total. It hasn't changed. From the original server...
FinalCorruption Posted February 18, 2013 Author Posted February 18, 2013 "Bob_915 said: From the original server... Not going to argue, too busy to bother. NEWS: Backing up all files (This way, if this fixes it I can revert all the files back (Nothing lost)) and going to reset everything. If it works, I will slowly add back files, and make sure it's all working. I apologize for the downtime everyone.
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