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Liquids not "flowing" in Tekkit Lite SSP?


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I've got an SSP going to test out Tekkit Lite (I am seeing if I want to transition from Classic to Lite, long term). One thing I am noticing immediately (latest recommended build, which I believe is 0.57?) is that water and lava are basically static. They don't flow.

If I take a single bucket of water out of a massive ocean, I have a permanent 'empty square' left there in the water. Blocking off the source block of a water flow in a mine does NOT stop the water coming out of it. I have to individually block off every single square with a solid block like Dirt or Cobblestone.

Am I doing something wrong? Did I forget to turn something on?

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Sounds very similar to me, tho I didn't know about the right-click-trick. Does that update just the target square, or will it update that square and all others it effects?

EXAMPLE: If I empty a bucket of water against a wall 3 blocks up.. I get a "water fall" / "fountain" effect. I _SHOULD_ be able to remove that one top source block of water and stop the whole flow. In my SSP game tho.. it doesn't. I have to cancel out each and every square. So if I try your trick and right click on the source square I removed... will it update the whole waterfall or just that block?

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this isnt an issue with tekkit but rather with forge conflicting with optifine

as soon as you block off a water source block forge doesnt update it because it clashes somehow with optifine

if you relog the problem should have gone away if that is the case update forge to #518 or above (forge is in the modpack.jar) and reinstall optifine after that

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tekkit classic does use forge only a earlier version the bug is only with forge #506-517 and since tekkit lite 0.5.7 uses forge 517 it conflicts with optifine

here is the post on optifine's thread

Preview OptiFine HD D3 Ultra for Minecraft 1.4.6 and 1.4.7 (added option Custom Sky based on MCPatcher's Better Skies, fixed CustomSky negative rotation axis, fixed TwilightForest maps, compatible with Forge #518, not compatible with Forge #506-516)

it really simple just update your forge to 518 and its fixed

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The modpack.jar file is forge and nothing else. Worst case just extract the file containing Forge to a new folder, copy the files from Optifine over top, overwriting existing files. Then select all the files and (assuming windows) right click and choose Send To->Compressed (zipped) folder. Rename this new zip "modpack.jar"

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For the server, you will need to get a fresh copy of the minecraft server.

According to the Forge docs:

"Place the universal zip into the same folder where your minecraft_server.jar is, then change the extension of the forge zip to a .jar. "

Or you can do it the old fashioned way:

Rename the server to minecraft_server.zip, open it and copy the files for Forge into it, then rename it back to minecraft_server.jar

(Don't install Optifine on the server)

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