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Incorrect Java being used, Update Failed! [fix]



ok, well, I have no experience with programming at all, how would I make a batch file to run minecraft specifically with java 6?

Mod Note: The following information is offered AS IS and we can not officially support it since we haven't had to do it and can't test it. It's there for anyone who wants to try it.

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I have a question what do u mean run the command we save in notepad also how do i do a .bat and how do i send it to teckniclauncher

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I have a question what do u mean run the command we save in notepad also how do i do a .bat and how do i send it to teckniclauncher

Read the start of this thread, it all get explained there.

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ok i tried all of this but still wont work i double checked everything and it still wont send the batch all i get is the command prompt opening and closing really fast

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Right I've been having sooo many problems like so many other people and I finally fixed it, now my problem is not the same as everyone else's but hopefully the things I'm gonna put down if you can tick all these things off your list I can give you a 90% guarantee it'll work, if not I'm going to post up what to do and feel free to PM me the details and I'll help you as much as I can. Like I said I struggled for a good month trying to get this launcher to work and connect to minecraft.net

1) Make sure you have the most up-to-date minecraft and make sure you can open that. If not in your downloads file it sometimes creates a notepad file explaining why, PM me what it is in that text file but leave out the bottom bit, I don't want to know your computer details xD

2) Have the latest Java update!! http://java.com/en/download/manual.jsp ... Make sure you are installing it for the right operating system.

3) Download the latest techniclauncher. http://www.technicpack.net/launcher/ .. You can download both the .jar or .exe it doesn't really matter too much but please download the .jar for this list.

4) Make sure Java 6 is uninstalled. To do this go to 'control panel' find 'program and features' and look for "Java 6 Update __" After having Java 7 jre/se installed the following part is .... Fun. Go back to your lovely control panel. Find the Java control panel (Java icon). If not just search on your computer for 'Java Control panel' Once in here go to the tab called 'Java' And here is your Java runtime Environment :P. Stretch the extension and if java 6 is there remove it, if you cannot no worries. What you want to do is go to find. This part varies between 32 bit and 64 bit. For 32 bit owners I do believe your files are in Program files (x86), if not follow the rest. When you're in find it should originally be in 'My documents' or whatever. Go to computer, your hard drive that has program files, find Java, the jre7 folder, go into the bin folder and then select next, do not go into anymore folders, just the bin folder. After clicking on next it should of found the java file called Javaw.exe and It should look like this C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\bin\javaw.exe.

5) This was probably the nail on the hammer for me. Download the latest graphics drivers for your computer/notebook. Yes it sounds a bit silly but trust me.

6) Now this gets fun. You're going to want to download Spoutcraft. Yes this is fine to download and if you guys who have had problems with Techniclauncher have realised in the logs it does have 'org.spoutcraft' as a place to download. So it is 100% legit. http://get.spout.org/ Please pick the .Jar download for this as well.

7) After doing all of this please make sure you can still open minecraft. After the Java swap around you might have to restart your computer and try to open it again. If not fear not I will get to that part.

8) Please see if you can open spoutcraft. This does EXACTLY the same as the techniclauncher and connect to minecraft.net. This may or may not work for you. If it does move onto step 10 If not then keep following this list.

9) So Spoutcraft isn't working? The spoutcraft folder should be just above the techniclauncher folder in your %appdata/roaming area. If Spoutcraft does not load it SHOULD produce a notepad file named 'hs_err_pid3512' Do not worry about the last 4 numbers that WILL change depending on what process line it is on due to your processor. Open that file and either post here or PM me the section that says.


# A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:


# EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at pc=0x6903b212, pid=3512, tid=8056


# JRE version: 7.0_05-b06

# Java VM: Java HotSpot Client VM (23.1-b03 mixed mode windows-x86 )

# Problematic frame:

# C [atioglxx.dll+0xb212] DrvSwapBuffers+0xa2

This was my issue! And once I fixed this everything worked :) Which as you can see it says C [atiolxx.dll] That is my graphics card. This is why I'm saying each error is different and if you do not have this, PM me and I will help you.

10) So Spoutcraft is working but Technic isn't? This concerned me as well, had spoutcraft up which surprised me after everything and technic still didn't work.

Go to load up techniclauncer from inside the folder. While it is loading, go to the launcher folder and you see that disgusting CHECKSUM.md5 file? Yeah delete it while techniclauncher is loading. This worked for me :P Any problems PM me :)

I wouldn't say this is a step, but if none of this does work try one more thing for me. http://www.lwjgl.org/download.php This website allows you to download what I would call the essential to playing Java games. You SHOULDN'T need to download this as it comes with your web browser and it comes with downloading the normal Java, but it's here just incase you do need it :)

I really hope I have helped a lot of people, if I have helped you would you mind sending me a PM saying that I have, wouldn't mind a thanks xD

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plz help

Mod Edit: Oh, and use a bug report. Or look at all the other ones that have the exact same issue. Or the stickies, where it describes how to fix the exact same issue.

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That issue is due to having a conflict between two java's or one java not working properly. When you right click on the launcher it should have 'open with' go to browse and MAJORITY of the time there is two java SE binary's to pick, if not just pick the one that is there and it should work. If not, uninstall java and technic launcher, reinstall the latest java and redownload technic launcher.

But follow the step by step guide I made at the bottom of page 4. That covers about every problem!

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When i try to open the downloaded tekkit file. It opens up a little progress bar that says "Checking Launcher Version" and then closes in a millisecond. It does download .techniclauncher. But when i try to open the launcher it opens up a black debug screen and closes in a second. Minecraft is not changed. What am i doing that's so wrong?

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Google it! Sorry I'm using my phone so can't view everything properly, but there are step by step guides on youtube and everywhere. If you're not good with computers use google!

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Launcher Version:

Operating System: Windows 7 Home Premium

Java Version: Java Version 7 Update 5

Antivirus Program: Avast and I also have Spybot Search & Destroy

Description of Problem:

I download the launcher and put it on my desktop, then a screen opens saying "Checking launcher version", then it closes and nothing happens.

I have the same issue and have read through multiple different posts claiming fixes and none of them work...I know i've tried them all. Here is my issue. .techniclauncher.exe opens "Checking launcher version&quot and then does nothing. It creates the .techniclauncher.jar in %appdata%\.techniclauncher and if i use that it works sort of.

I have tried the fix using the .bat file

@echo off

mkdir %APPDATA%\.techniclauncher\temp

"C:\program files\java\jre7\bin\java.exe" -Xmx1G -jar %APPDATA%\.techniclauncher\technic-launcher.jar

that doesn't do anything except make a new folder in my documents not in the appdata .techniclauncher folder.

I've also heard that it doesnt like IPv6 so i set to use IPv4 with this but i still have the folder issue with this.

@echo off

mkdir %APPDATA%\.techniclauncher\rtemp

"C:\program files\java\jre7\bin\java.exe" -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true -Xmx1G -jar %APPDATA%\.techniclauncher\technic-launcher.jar

http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/96/issueo.png/ -thats what it looks like.

I have also tried putting that .bat file in the appdata .techniclauncher folder and it does the same thing there.

I have tried java6 64 and 32 bit and java7 64 and 32 bit and those dont work.

I have the most up to date version of minecraft and graphics card driver. The only problem with the graphics card driver is that if i run the .jar then it defaults to my built in graphics instead of my nvidia gt 640m.

I have tried manually setting up the path for java and that does nothing.

I have the latest version of the launcher.

I dont know if this is related but certain items wont condense in my energy condensor ie. uranium and stone. Those are the only two that I know of right now.

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I think I may have found a pretty major issue with all this. I have 64 bit java but the process is 32 bit. Also if I click on open with then there is only one java to choose from but if i go to properties-> open with then there are two javas to choose from. Why is this so complicated!!

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Wow that is a really helpful reply. Thank you for taking your time to answer that.

See, what t.c fails to realize is that the original post isn't lost when he edits it. Thankfully, he did choose to edit it before a someone else came along and quoted it, but...think before you push the Post Reply button, people.

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um... ok guys dont get too mad at me because im not good at pc at ALL whats happing is tht i can onley launch tekkit and when i do tht it justs stays there for a while and exits it self out. I know its probley a really easy fix but i still need help

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