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Why Tekkitopia?
I want to play on a mature server because the last server I was on would change the difficulty at random and add and remove plugins daily.

Your secret code:14mis


  "Misseryelliott said:


Welcome aboard!


IP: play.tekkitopia.com

Use /register <password> upon first login to ensure the safety of your account.

During your first week you're in a "trial" period, any infractions on our rules might

result in an immediate whitelist removal/ban.

Enjoy Tekkitopia!



Username: Cosmicx


Why Tekkitopia? I am old but still love the sandbox of Tekkit - Your mature server sounds like good place to hang.

Your secret code: 7cos


Username: LehdaRi

Age: 19

Why tekkitopia? -I love playing Tekkit multiplayer but I've got rarely my friends online to play on my private server. I love sharing ideas and creating huge, complex collaboration projects. Extending advanced machinery with redstone functionality is my specialty.

Secret code: 7Leh


  "schou_89 said:
Apply accepted! Welcome abord! - play.tekkitopia.com

crap sorry! made a mistake. applied earlier as FTWhiskey, supposed to be FTWhisky. only acct with no "e" sorry. new app.:


Age: 30

Why Tekkitopia? Looking for a mature group of people w/ light lag where I can do my own thing but experience a good mp environment

Your secret code: 8FTW


  "ftwhiskey said:
crap sorry! made a mistake. applied earlier as FTWhiskey, supposed to be FTWhisky. only acct with no "e" sorry. new app.:


Age: 30

Why Tekkitopia? Looking for a mature group of people w/ light lag where I can do my own thing but experience a good mp environment

Your secret code: 8FTW

Fixed! :)


username : Sin316

age : 32

Why tekkitopia ? I am looking for a mature, friendly server, where i can give tekkit lite the tryout it deserves.

secret code : 6sin


  "cosmicx said:
Username: Cosmicxs

  "LehdaRi said:
Username: LehdaRi

  "H1ghT3chL0wL1f3 said:

I apoligize on behalf of the second staff member overlooking your applies.

Welcome aboard!


IP: play.tekkitopia.com

Use /register <password> upon first login to ensure the safety of your account.

During your first week you're in a "trial" period, any infractions on our rules might

result in an immediate whitelist removal/ban.

Enjoy Tekkitopia!





Why Tekkitopia?
I love industrial minecraft mods and have been playing for a few years, I'm now looking for a server to dedicate a lot of time to and create machines to help the server and generate and accumulate resources for the benefit of everyone.

Your secret code:


  "jonowarren said:
Username: jonowarren

Welcome aboard jonowarren!


IP: play.tekkitopia.com

Use /register <password> upon first login to ensure the safety of your account.

During your first week you're in a "trial" period, any infractions on our rules might

result in an immediate whitelist removal/ban.

Enjoy Tekkitopia!



  "lulz said:

Welcome aboard jonowarren!


IP: play.tekkitopia.com

Use /register <password> upon first login to ensure the safety of your account.

During your first week you're in a "trial" period, any infractions on our rules might

result in an immediate whitelist removal/ban.

Enjoy Tekkitopia!


Can't currently get online as I need to update tekkit and the server that it is hosted on must be down but will soon, thank you.


Username: HappyHoppel

Username: Yasminitis

Age: Both 23

Why Tekkitopia? Me & my wife are looking for a mature server where we wont waist out time spent playing for hours. We are looking for a good community that is kind and as well active involved in the game world.

Our secret codes: 11Hap / 10Yas

  "HappyHoppel said:
Username: HappyHoppel

Username: Yasminitis

A hearty welcome to you and your wife!


IP: play.tekkitopia.com

Use /register <password> upon first login to ensure the safety of your account.

During your first week you're in a "trial" period, any infractions on our rules might

result in an immediate whitelist removal/ban.

Enjoy Tekkitopia!



Username: elfowl

Age: 18

Why Tekkitopia? I'm just getting back to playing tekkit after a long hiatus and I'm glad to see a server that dosen't exclude most of the good Equivalent Exchange items

Your secret code: 6elf




Why Tekkitopia?
looking for a real tekkit server that is stable and is not ran by whinie children (adults can be whinie children also) I am hoping this is the server i am looking for.

Your secret code:9Ter


Username: Manikteddy


Why Tekkitopia? I was looking for a place to play with people that i would get along with no griefing and just a good bit of people to be around and maby help each ather out. i think it would be here.

Your secret code: 10man

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