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[3.1.2]TecCity[PvE/PvP][20 Slots][Jobs][Plots][No EE][GERMAN]


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TecCity - Tekkit Citylife/Roleplay

Welcome everybody to TecCity! This Server is created some days ago and now we fell free to open it for all Tekkit players who want to play some Citylife. We are a german multigaming community and we will add more slots to the server if there is a need to.


- No swearing at other players.

- Do not spam the chat.

- Griefing is forbidden. But feel free to do everything you want inside the Miningworld.

- Respect all players.

- Do not build massive Redstoneclocks and anything else that could produce much lag.

- Do not hack, cheat or abuse bugs.

- Have Fun :)

How to become a Member:

You're able to visit the server, but to become a member you need to post your



Your Tekkit-Experience:

Your Roleplay-Experience:


- Permissions

- Jobs

- Economy

- Essentials

- Multiworld

Disabled Stuff:

- EE

- Nuke

- Cannon

- Dynamite

How to play:

On your first connect, you get 5000 TecCash. We offer 3 different types of plots yet.

Some in the City, they cost 1000 TecCash per block. Some in the hoods, they cost 500 TecCash. And finally we have a starter area with smaller plots, they are cheap and only cost 100 TecCash per block.

You will not be able to buy the best plots right in the beginning, so you have to apply for a Job.

Atm we can only offer 4 different Jobs.

- Farmer (gets Money for farming wheat (later i'll add more, but the pay is actually good))

- Miner (I dont have to explain his job)

- Woodcutter (the master of the woods, gets paid for chopping trees and replanting them)

- Hunter (gets Money for killing all kind of mobs)

We have 2 Worlds, one official world (TecCity) and the farmingarea (Miningworld). The Miningworld will be deleted and regenerated every 30 Days.


Join us now :

Owner : xHENRYx

Teamspeak 3 : team.hardcore-sucht-anstalt.de:1253

Screens are allways good:






Building plots:





I'd like to see you soon


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IGN: funnyman201

Age: 14

Your Tekkit-Experience: I have lots of experience playing tekkit, about 5 months.

Your Roleplay-Experience: I used to always play RP servers and I LOVE adventure maps.

Nice, just join the server and i'll give you a little tour around :)

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IGN: theRAINBOWsheep1

Age: 15

Your Tekkit-Experience: I have little tekkit experience. I have a little experience from a tekkit lite server I am a part of, and I've learned a lot about tekkit classic from youtube.

Your Roleplay-Experience: I don't have any minecraft roleplay experience, but I have a little from a regular chat roleplay. I highly doubt that they are in any way similar.

I feel the need to point out that I am a girl.

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IGN: theRAINBOWsheep1

Age: 15

Your Tekkit-Experience: I have little tekkit experience. I have a little experience from a tekkit lite server I am a part of, and I've learned a lot about tekkit classic from youtube.

Your Roleplay-Experience: I don't have any minecraft roleplay experience, but I have a little from a regular chat roleplay. I highly doubt that they are in any way similar.

I feel the need to point out that I am a girl.

ok just join and i'll give you a little tour around :)

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IGN: kidgamer100

Age: 16

Your Tekkit-Experience: ive been playing tekkit for a while and i know BC,IC,CC,and EE well

Your Roleplay-Experience: ive ran many rp server and played on alot myself

great :) just join and i'll give you a tour as well :)

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Your Tekkit-Experience:I know BC and IC trying to learn CC favorite mod EE but i wanna try and survive without it

Your Roleplay-Experience:I love roleplaying played on some roleplaying servers before

Nice :) We wanna do a lot with CC, just join and i'll give you a tour.

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