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Trouble in my Nether..


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I wasn't sure where to post this so if there is a better spot, or previous thread ,please point me that way. But here's my issue:

I set up my Tekkit lite server a month or so ago and all has run well since then, till now.A few days after I set it up i made a Nether portal in my back yard and went in and out of the nether several times no problem. Yesterday i went back though my portal and poked around the nether a bit and when i came back through i wasn't at home anymore . A new portal had spawned about 180m north of my original portal. When i went to the original portal it took me back to the same spot in the nether and returned me to the new portal on the surface. Then i closed the new surface portal and went back to my original portal this time i go into the nether and return to the surface at my original portal where i should be. Problem is i can go back and forth to the right portals 2 or 3 times and it spawns a new one in the same area 180 m away.The original portals are the only ones in the game so I'm not sure why it's trying to change location after it was working fine.Any ideas on why or how to stop it would be great.

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this is copied from the minecraft wiki

Likelihood of 2 overworld portals linking to the same Nether portal - Normal World portals that are within 1024 distance of each other on both X and Z axis are almost always going to link to the same Nether realm portal on initial construction because 1024 translates to a distance of 128 in the Nether Realm, and the game checks for existing Portals within 128 "radius" around the destination (the 257x257x128 box).

EDIT: more here


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Thanks for the reply ,but the spacing distance isn't my problem since I'm not creating a new portal. this is the very first portal on this new server. I placed it on the surface and lit the portal,the game spawned the matching portal in the nether and i have not made any other portals on the server. the trouble comes on the 3rd or 4th time i return through the original portal in the nether to go to the surface. instead of returning to the original portal i started at, a new portal spawns on the surface about 180m from the original surface portal.

i have a vanilla un-moded minecraft server my brother and i have played on for about a year and we have 7 or 8 portals spread around the world with no issues so i have some experience placing them , i'm just not sure why it would randomly try to spawn a new surface portal on my return trip when it's all ready connected to one.

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instead of returning to the original portal i started at, a new portal spawns on the surface about 180m from the original surface portal.

Is the old portal deactivated while you're in the nether for some reason, or broken? That would cause a new one to spawn. Otherwise, you have a glitch of some kind.

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