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Building a wiki, need some info.


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I am building a wiki for my own modpack: Technolution.

http://technicpack.net/modpack/details/technolution.50058 (advertizing :P)

I've looked at the official minecraft wiki and the tekkit one, they both have those crafting table grids. How do you create those?

If you look at this:


You are able to click on the items in the crafting grid which takes you to it's wiki page. How did they do that?

Thanks for any help.

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I am not a web-designer, but I'm figuring those are templates. Which, I think, are simply layered images, with the ingredients also having links added to them.

I don't know much more than that, but see if you can contact this guy. He seems to be one of the head honchos over on the Tekkit Lite wiki.

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