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[1.1.5]*OniTech*[SMP][24/7][50 Slots][Bukkit][Greylist][Free Build][3000+ Users]

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In-Game Name:nikman52

Age and Global Location? age 13 location Denmark

Have you ever been banned before? no

Why do you play SMP? it's more fun to play whit other players

You know this is a member application right? yes

How long have you been playing Minecraft? 7 years

How did you find us? searching for a cool new server

What's your favorite color? blue and green

Will you please make an account on our Website? okay

Anything else you want to add? no i use a lot of time at school

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In-Game Name


Age and Global Location?

26, the netherlands

Have you ever been banned before?


Why do you play SMP?

because it gets boring to build great things and finding out no-one can look at it and say: daim, thats crazy!;P

You know this is a member application right?


How long have you been playing Minecraft?

cant remember, long into the beta atleast

How did you find us?

the internet showed me the way^^

What's your favorite color?


Will you please make an account on our Website?

shure..... and done:)

Anything else you want to add?

looking forward to impress and and inspire you all:P by the way... do you need a fullscale working wallmart on this server?;P


Greetings. I am interested in joining your server.

Here is the information you requested.

In-Game Name

Age and Global Location?
22. The Netherlands

Have you ever been banned before?

Why do you play SMP? Because however satisfying it is to admire your own fine creations, it is far more satisfying still to have others admire
them for you.

You know this is a member application right?

How long have you been playing Minecraft?
I started playing somewhere during the beta, i cannot seem to recall the precise date.

How did you find us?
The technic forums server list.

What's your favorite color?
Deep purple, but i also like dark blue and green.

Will you please make an account on our Website?
I dont mind, i cannot guarantee that i will be a very active member through.

Anything else you want to add? I hope to see you ingame.


Added nikmen, the rest of you need to log in at least one time to get promoted to members. When you do, just leave a message letting us know you have.


In-Game Name FalleNKiddO

Age and Global Location? Age 17 Location Netherlands

Have you ever been banned before? Not that i know of

Why do you play SMP? Like to play with others

You know this is a member application right? Yes

How long have you been playing Minecraft? March 2011

How did you find us? This forum

What's your favorite color? Black

Will you please make an account on our Website? Done

Anything else you want to add? Nope


In-Game Name: ZeSandvichMann

Age and Global Location?: Age-12 Location-New Jersey, USA

Have you ever been banned before?: Nope but kicked once for accidentally typing with caps lock on.

Why do you play SMP?: SMP is quite the challenge when you have to deal with griefers and other whatnots, but I the reason is not because it's a challenge but the community. I like to mingle with friendly and mature players and have a great time with others.

You know this is a member application right?: Yep

How long have you been playing Minecraft?: Approximately a year

How did you find us?: Technic Forums

What's your favorite color?: Anything that isn't too feminine...

Will you please make an account on our Website?: Sure, why not!

Anything else you want to add?: 3.14159742 + Pumpkin


In-Game Name Shatteredskull

Age and Global Location? U.S.A Houston TX

Have you ever been banned before? No

Why do you play SMP? yes but with people i know

You know this is a member application right? Yes

How long have you been playing Minecraft? in 2010

How did you find us? A friend told me

What's your favorite color? Blue

Will you please make an account on our Website? I have one

Anything else you want to add? I type slow and spell bad


I do not remember the coords and I am not able to play at the moment so sorry if my directions are vague.First turn around from where new players spawn then walk straight untill you see some rubber trees, then the rift should be to the right. It should be within 50 square blocks of spawn.


I'm posted applications for my 2 friends so that they don't have to make a forum account here.

In-Game Name - Ujju

Age and Global Location? - 20 years old, USA

Have you ever been banned before? - Never, I am a legit player that moderates on some bigger servers such as Savage realms: Survival Games

Why do you play SMP? - To experience Tekkit as a beginner

You know this is a member application right? - Yes

How long have you been playing Minecraft? - Since beta

How did you find us? - Friend recommend the server

What's your favorite color? - Blue

Will you please make an account on our Website? - Yes, later

In-Game Name AudioBond

Age and Global Location? 14 USA

Have you ever been banned before? no

Why do you play SMP? Its fun

You know this is a member application right? Yes

How long have you been playing Minecraft? 2 years

How did you find us? Friend

What's your favorite color? Green

Will you please make an account on our Website? no

Anything else you want to add no


  "Camtaro said:

OCG Website: www.oniclangaming.com (Fast, Free and Easy to use. Powered by Enjin)

We here at Oni Clan Gaming provide a 24/7 dedicated, enhanced survival multiplayer experience with a great community, behaved players and amazing staff that uphold fun, fair and free gaming policies.

We're looking for dedicated and active Minecraft players who can be mature and follow our rules. We have tons of regulars members, and dedicated fans that play everyday. All are welcome on our server and together we hope we can make this the best server out there.

Unlike other servers, donating is not required to use basic features. But we respectfully accept any donations because without them this server simply wouldn't be possible. Donors are rewarded with permanent perks - there's no requirement to donate again, and the more you donate the greater the benefits.

OniTech Server IP: onitech.servegame.com (Log in and try us out as a Guest! No Whitelist!)

OniTech runs on the latest version of Tekkit for Minecraft 1.5.1. OniTech is a truly enhanced hard-mode SMP for FREE. The server uses a wide array of plugins (both external and custom built) to increase the features of Minecraft, while not totally eliminating the aspect of survival. We have a user-friendly ranking system for regular members, donors and staff.

OniTech features:

  • Anti-greifing & prevention
  • Home Warps
  • 'Lockette' plugin allows players to use regular signs to make their chests/doors/furnaces/etc. private for themselves and friends.
  • No Lag
  • Prize Winning Events
  • Exclusive Donor Perks and much, much more...

How to apply for the Member rank and building permissions;

Before you apply make sure you understand our rules.

Read the Oni Clan Gaming server rules

To apply, fill out the answers to the following questions in a reply here on the Tekkit Forum with this template below:

Find out more on the Oni Clan Gaming website


In-Game Name? grog_da_man

Age and Global Location? 17 and Wisconsin

Have you ever been banned before? No

Why do you play SMP? The Community, and making friends and projects

You know this is a member application right? Yes

How long have you been playing Minecraft? 4 years

How did you find us? Technic Forums

What's your favorite color? Purple

Will you please make an account on our Website? yeah, sure

Anything else you want to add? i have been admin and have owned many of servers. So i know how it is running servers and can respect and follow the rules.


In-Game Name? Hsxdeath

Age and Global Location? 16 and wisconsin

Have you ever been banned before? No

Why do you play SMP? Friends and building

You know this is a member application right? Yup

How long have you been playing Minecraft? 3 years

How did you find us? i was on the forums and i came across this and wanted to join.

What's your favorite color? red

Will you please make an account on our Website? Yes sir

Anything else you want to add?


In-Game NameTGiTzCrackin

Age and Global Location?US 17

Have you ever been banned before?no

Why do you play SMP?Its fun

You know this is a member application right?yes

How long have you been playing Minecraft?1 years

How did you find us?Friend

What's your favorite color?blue

Will you please make an account on our Website?no

Anything else you want to add?no


All of you need to log in at least once before we can promtoe you to member. Once you have, leave a message letting us know you are a guest who has applied.


In-Game Name Beastlv1ode

Age and Global Location? 23 USA

Have you ever been banned before? no

Why do you play SMP? I enjoy playing with friends

You know this is a member application right? yes

How long have you been playing Minecraft? 1 year

How did you find us? Google

What's your favorite color? Black

Will you please make an account on our Website? Of course


In-Game Name: GamersLove

Age and Global Location? 19, AUS

Have you ever been banned before? nope just starting

Why do you play SMP? don't know what this is I just like the game and to build things

You know this is a member application right? yep

How long have you been playing Minecraft? I played the demo of mindcraft for bout 1year

How did you find us? the technic forums looking for servers to play on

What's your favorite color? a dark purple

Will you please make an account on our Website? I shall try to yes

Anything else you want to add? I LIKE BUILDING STUFF


in-Game Name Bigfishes

Age and Global Location? Twenty Four

Have you ever been banned before? No I have not.

Why do you play SMP? Welp, I love minecraft technic i just started playing again from about a year. I found out about this server And the community seems pretty friendly, So i decided to apply!

You know this is a member application right? Yes i do.

How long have you been playing Minecraft? 2 Years

How did you find us? I searched Tekkit servers in Google

What's your favorite color? Blue

Will you please make an account on our Website? Possibly 50 50 chance.

Anything else you want to add? Well Im a good role player. Im a friendly and helpful guy and i'd like to help the new people.


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