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Unhandled Exception




Error rendering view: [modpack.create]


Invalid argument supplied for foreach()



/home/sct/public/platform/public_html/storage/views/775650a3d3853c992ad0419bc1c77501 on line 38

Stack Trace:


#0 /home/sct/public/platform/public_html/laravel/laravel.php(42): Laravel\Error::native(2, 'Invalid argumen...', '/home/sct/publi...', 38)

#1 /home/sct/public/platform/public_html/laravel/view.php(386) : eval()'d code(38): Laravel\{closure}(2, 'Invalid argumen...', '/home/sct/publi...', 38, Array)

#2 /home/sct/public/platform/public_html/laravel/view.php(386): eval()

#3 /home/sct/public/platform/public_html/laravel/blade.php(71): Laravel\View->get()

#4 [internal function]: Laravel\Blade::Laravel\{closure}(Object(Laravel\View))

#5 /home/sct/public/platform/public_html/laravel/event.php(199): call_user_func_array(Object(Closure), Array)

#6 /home/sct/public/platform/public_html/laravel/event.php(138): Laravel\Event::fire('laravel.view.en...', Array, true)

#7 /home/sct/public/platform/public_html/laravel/view.php(348): Laravel\Event::until('laravel.view.en...', Array)

#8 /home/sct/public/platform/public_html/laravel/view.php(590): Laravel\View->render()

#9 /home/sct/public/platform/public_html/laravel/response.php(268): Laravel\View->__toString()

#10 /home/sct/public/platform/public_html/laravel/laravel.php(180): Laravel\Response->render()

#11 /home/sct/public/platform/public_html/public/index.php(34): require('/home/sct/publi...')

#12 {main}

Not sure if this would change anything but I had just linked up solder when I ran into this problem

I have a pack ready to go but it requires the pack to be created on Platform as well as Solder


It's still giving me that error, and it's not linking a pack to solder that is the issue, it's the inability to create a pack at all


This page causes the error on load

EDIT: Fixed

Created new Solder key to break the API link, created the pack, relinked Solder, linked to pack

This isn't a perma-fix though as the create page now returns 500 (Internal Server Error)

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