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In the recommended version (1.0.11) the power tool's weapons section is not showing up. i think some of the other upgrades for the rest of the power suit are not showing up also. I think i got that figured out by changing the version to 1.0.13 i think..... So if that is the solution how do i change a server to have the power suit and tool stuff? I got the server off of the Technic pack website. Pls help i want to have the plasma cannon.



Press K to config the Key-bindings for the Power Suit and as for the Tool, Shift + Scroll Wheel will pop up the Power Tool Addons and allow you to change the active Tool.


Well in a way that's my problem but not really...

When i open the power armor tinker table and select the power tool there should be four or five divider thing's (tool ,special , energy, WEAPONS :P). The weapon section is not showing up. So i cant even apply the upgrade to the power tool in the first place. Sorry for the confusion my explanation of the problem was not that clear.



Just copy the URL of the server download, then change the version numbers to the one you want. All the builds up to latest should be in there, afaik.

I use 1.1.4 myself, and a -lot- was added to powersuits since the version that is in 1.0.11.

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