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Testit: A science modpack! (looking for sciencey mods)


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Hey technicforums, I'm currently in the process of building a modpack called "Testit". It's all about science, the pursuit of knowledge, the desire to know more about the world around you, as well as engineering. I need some ideas for mods that I can put into it. So far I have:

- Minechem

- Atomic Science

- Galacticraft

- Forestry

- Computercraft


- Fluid Dynamics

- Railcraft

- Buildcraft (for galacticraft, minechem and forestry)

- Universal Electricity (for Galacticraft and Minechem [both to soon be integrated into UE], and, of course, for Atomic Science)

- Mekanism and Electric Expansion, for Atomic Science and all other UE purposes

I'm working on getting permissions from modders. I messaged Calclavia, regarding it, but he didn't reply, probably because he get loads of these emails every day.

So basically, I need advice on two things. Firstly, what other mods should I include? And secondly, can anyone give me any tips on how to approach this whole "getting permissions" business?

Much obliged.

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There are some really good addons for computercraft, like openCCsensors and misc peripherals, that fit the theme nicely.

Actually you might just want to use tekkit as a base and build off that (after removing EE3). Pretty much everything in there is definitely under the Engineering category.

As for permissions, you're going to be playing a waiting game at the whims of the mod authors. Which is why a lot of packs don't bother.

One thing you can do to speed it up is take a look at any permissions statements they have up (like "go ahead and use it in a modpack, I don't care" and "you can use it, just let me know if you do" or "drop me a line, I'll probably grant permission"). Anything that says you can just use it you don't have to wait for permissions for, just give proper attribution with a link and quote of the permission statement.

I believe railcraft is the most restrictive of the bunch, requiring you to have all permissions for all the other mods up for display before he'll even consider it. I believe forestry is a "just use it" as long as you don't include any mods against the author's will.

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I believe railcraft is the most restrictive of the bunch, requiring you to have all permissions for all the other mods up for display before he'll even consider it. I believe forestry is a "just use it" as long as you don't include any mods against the author's will.

You'd be surprised.

TrainCraft Terms and Condition:

Mod packs:


For legal implications please read the four paragraphs above.

Inclusion of "Traincraft" in a mod pack:

Established modpacks or private server packs only (With the permission of at least one of the above mentioned authors) under these circumstances:

- If your post count is below 100, and your modpack is less than a month old, your permission will be denied on spot with no further consideration.

- Proper credit to the authors mentioned above should be provided on a clear spot for everyone to see.

- A link to either this site (Thread) or the wiki should be provided.

A "private server pack" is allowed (also with the permission of at least one of the above mentioned authors) under these circumstances:

- A "private server pack" refers to a modpack intended to be used by a closed membership Minecraft server and distributed only to those members.

- The said pack team may not post any links of this mod or any packs containing this mod publicly.

- Proper credit to the authors mentioned above should be provided on a clear spot for everyone to see.

- A link to either this site (Thread) or the wiki should be provided.

- Non-commercial, non-profit mod packs only. If you are going to include the mod in a pack or "bundle" adf.ly or similar monetization services are not to be used to gain profit. Any other form of profit making with this mod is strictly prohibited.

Emphasis mine. Not entirely applicable here, but still.

Basically, if you want to make a new modpack including or built around TrainCraft... sucks to be you!

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