Title: Power Tool's Torch Placer Can Place Lit Torches on Moon
Version: 1_0_3
OS: Windows 7
Java Version: 7
Description of Problem:
So a friend and I are on our server and we're in the process of making a moon base. It became night and monsters started spawning, so we killed them and then I turned around and noticed... lit torches!
He said the torch placer for the Power Tool works to place lit torches on the moon, whereas a normal torch is unlit.
Title: Power Tool's Torch Placer Can Place Lit Torches on Moon
Version: 1_0_3
OS: Windows 7
Java Version: 7
Description of Problem:
So a friend and I are on our server and we're in the process of making a moon base. It became night and monsters started spawning, so we killed them and then I turned around and noticed... lit torches!
He said the torch placer for the Power Tool works to place lit torches on the moon, whereas a normal torch is unlit.
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