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[1.0.6]BlakeCraft![PvP Disabled][10 Slots][24/7]

Blake Cogburn

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BlakeCraft is a brand new server for Tekkit that can currently hold 10 people, but I plan on expanding it later if enough people play on it. The server IP is



A lot of spawn was contributed by two BlakeCraft players! Be sure to check out nwaps!


* Absolutely No Griefing

* Respect Everybody on the server and be kind to newcomers

* No PvP'ing

* Do not argue with administrators.

You have to move a ways away from spawn before you can build. Remember to lock your chests with lockette!

No mods or blocks have been banned, but I'm sure I will ban a few in the future.

Currently, the server has these plugins installed:

* WorldEdit

* Lockette

* Vault

* LotteryPlus

* CommandBook

* Essentials

* ChestShop

* BuyCraft

You can check out the server's store at http://blakecrafttekkit.buycraft.net.

I created this server because I have owned a Tekkit Classic server for about a year, but never used it. I upgraded it to the New Tekkit, and I hope that maybe some people will get some enjoyment from it.

The server also has DynMap installed. You can view the server's map at

Seriously. You should check out nwaps.

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I've been playing on this server for a few minutes and I have no complaints. I like the fact this server is new and small. I just hope it isn't too small. I have some questions about the server that would be best answered on the server.

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Umm, I'm really sorry about the server guys. A lot of the plugins in on dev.bukkit.org are not compatible with BukkitForge and one of them I installed crashed the server. I have contacted my server host and I believe they are fixing it, although they are also probably getting tired of fixing it for me. :P So after they fix it, no more plugins.

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I suppose I don't mind having no plugins. Hey is it just me or does tekkit take really long to open up? Like it shows the "Mojang" screen for like 5 full minutes for me, and I'm not sure if it's because I have a crappy computer or if tekkit's just a little buggy at the moment.

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No, it's not back up yet. My host still hasn't replied to my support ticket. I will update you guys as soon as the server is fixed and update the post. The test server is not a bad idea. My computer is good enough to run a server and play tekkit at the same time, but I don't know if I could run a server with plugins like that and also play Tekkit. Thank you guys for your patience and I hope the server will be back up very soon.

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Well, I hope your willing to wait for a bit longer than that! To be honest, if it was your server and I was waiting for it to come back up, I would go and play on a different server almost immediately until yours came back up. That way, I'd have two servers to go to in case something like this happened again and I wouldn't have to start work all over again. Not trying to drive you away, but that's what I would do.

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Well, I hope your willing to wait for a bit longer than that! To be honest, if it was your server and I was waiting for it to come back up, I would go and play on a different server almost immediately until yours came back up. That way, I'd have two servers to go to in case something like this happened again and I wouldn't have to start work all over again. Not trying to drive you away, but that's what I would do.

I tried looking for other servers but your server set the bar too high. Also the 3 hours thing is just for tonight.

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