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This thread (and the server itself) is very new - expect updates and improvements over the next two weeks.

Server IP :

This server is intended to be very small-scale, with selective whitelisting.

About this server:

I originally started up this server only for people who attend my school, but with the lack of players lately, I've decided it's worth opening up to the public (sorta). This server doesn't have all of the bells and whistles of a typical Tekkit server, because I'm striving to keep things as simple as possible. The upside of this - more freedom. The downside? I had to whitelist it. My goal is to get enough players to make it worth it to keep this server online consistently, and deliver a very simplified, yet enjoyable, Tekkit experience.

Rules: (Only a few)

- No obscene or racist language, please. There aren't any kids around to hear, but still, try not to cross any lines (within reason, obviously).

- No griefing! I can't stress this enough. While we do have protection plugins, I do not want to have to utilize them.

- Chests are unlocked. This is to maintain that simplified experience. If you do intend to steal, please do it within reason - only take half a stack, a couple diamonds; nothing that will be missed. This is to add a little "theives' guild" dynamic to the server; if you are discovered abusing this leniency, you will be banned. Remember, this is a PvE server, so set some traps. If you're caught stealing red-handed, just give it up and head home. Blatantly jacking someone's loot right in front of them is grounds for a ban, and is not in the spirit of the server.

- Play nice. Respect is the number one priority around here - it's good to see players that greet one another, actually have conversations, etc.

Missing Mods:

Nether Ores - JDK7 error.

Regarding "EE Underground":

"EE Underground" is a concept revolving again around the simplicity of the server. Some items have been disabled (a list will follow), but for the most part, EE is free game. Now, most people consider this mod to be "overpowered". I for one am in agreement. However, it would go against the principles of this server not to give the players free reign over it, therefore, EE is considered an illegal mod. What this means is, you are fully entitled to use EE tools and blocks, however, if you are caught in possession of them, they will be confiscated. Use at your own risk! EE items are very expensive - I wouldn't want you to lose all of that effort just because you did a poor job hiding them.

Banned Items:

- Furnaces

- Most environment-altering tools (Destruction Catalyst, etc)

- Swiftwolf's Rending Gale


- WorldEdit (Admins only)

- WorldGuard (Admins only - this may change in the future)

- Essentials / PEX

Up-time Policy:

As mentioned before, this server is run on a dedicated machine. However, it must be remotely hosted from one of two locations. The server will frequently be run on my laptop, a crappy IBM ThinkPad from the 1920's, with a tendency to BSOD. However, should there be a crash, you can be sure that I won't leave the server down for long.


At this point in time, ranks are not quite a reality - only when you first join will you have a few limited permissions. Within time, as you gain some trust, you'll be promoted.


Please fill out the following form and post it below to have your case reviewed.

- Minecraft Name:

- Tekkit Classic Experience:

- Age:

- How long have you been looking for a server like this?:

- Why do you want to play this server, and not some large-scale one?:

- Have you ever been given the position of mod/admin on a server before?:

- If you were to witness a flame war (provided there are no admins online), how would you react?:

- Now, if you were IN that flame war, and an admin had to come to settle the argument, how would you react? Would you defend yourself? Apologize?:


- 7 /11 | Begun construction on Spawn. Pictures for thread planned.

Posted · Hidden

  "Torezu said:
Feel free to do so, then. We're not going to approve it until that is done, however.

Done - I think this meets the forum standards.


- Minecraft Name: Sairiku

- Tekkit Classic Experience: 5 months give or take.

- Age: 17

- How long have you been looking for a server like this?: Honestly, a long time. It seems that selective white-listing goes a long way in terms of keeping a server safe and secure than just white-listing everyone that follows the format, I've noticed this with a lot of Tekkit Classic servers lately and things like that go downhill very fast. All I want is a small community of friendly builders, and possible potential friends.

- Why do you want to play this server, and not some large-scale one?: I've never been a fan of large-scale servers, it seems to take away the concept of having a "Simple Tekkit Experience" as these white-listed servers originally promise, not only that, but it's harder to connect to fellow players on a 1 to 1 basis as I so much love to do.

- Have you ever been given the position of mod/admin on a server before?: I used to co-own, then later own a relatively successful vanilla server called Age of Minecraft (reference can be seen here: www.age-of-minecraft.com). And as this server lacked in large amounts of loyal players, it made up for it with sheer willpower and motovation from the few that did stay loyal throughout the whole ordeal. Unfortunately an incident with a few of our best players caused an uproar in the community with pointless gossip that caused our friendly community to crumble from the inside out, the server had to be shut down a few weeks later as we were unable to make ends meet.

- If you were to witness a flame war (provided there are no admins online), how would you react?: One way to reslove a flame war that I have found effective (but not always easy) is to communicate openly with the offending users, help them acknowledge their mistakes, and offering to help said disagreement. Ignoring it can sometimes be as effective as the flame war can quickly dissipate. It all depends on the personalities of those who are involved to consider any rational solution.

- Now, if you were IN that flame war, and an admin had to come to settle the argument, how would you react? Would you defend yourself? Apologize?: If I was a apart of a flame war, I would defend myself, but only to an extent. Defending your opinion is about standing by what you say strongly and at the same time, not shooting down another people's views. Reacting to it would vary given the topic that the flame war revolves around, but in the end, I would apologize to anyone that I may have offended during the disagreement, my aim is to have everyone get a long and to find a solution that would make everyone happy.


- Minecraft Name: RyanWorley

- Tekkit Classic Experience: I used to play quite alot and i watched Yogscast play Tekkit for a VERY long time.

- Age: 13

- How long have you been looking for a server like this?: Quite some time... i hate huge servers with too much people/griefers/lag

- Why do you want to play this server, and not some large-scale one?: Like i said above and besides, its easier to control and you can easy be friends with one and another :)

- Have you ever been given the position of mod/admin on a server before?: no i haven't because i usually ended up being griefed and me rage quitting :P

- If you were to witness a flame war (provided there are no admins online), how would you react?: if by flame war, you mean (TNT,fire,griefing tools) Well i would be very scared that they would... (flame and destroy) my house :L and i will probably tell an admin on this forum :P

- Now, if you were IN that flame war, and an admin had to come to settle the argument, how would you react? Would you defend yourself? Apologize?: Well, i don't think i would be in a war like that because i don't like PVP and fighting.. i'm more of a peaceful guy but if i am.. well i would tell my opinion and why... example: if i was griefed or stuff like that. But if an admin tells me i was wrong and he had a point, i would Apologize and maybe even say sorry to the Attacker/Defender.

I think that's all i have to say but thank you for reading this. Please message me if i passed or not. Thanks :) -Ryan


@Sairiku, good app! It's always nice to see someone with the same mindset; I agree about selective whitelisting, and I've always found that being able to "screen" your players before they actually join is a good way to get to know them right off the bat.

It's good to see that you've been in an administrative position before - while I don't think we'll have any issues in the server, it's nice to know that there is always someone who can keep their cool.

Very strong application, I've added you to our white-list.

@RyanWorley, glad to see there's someone out there who enjoys the Yogscast as much as I do :P As for your being griefed, bear in mind that we don't actively use protecting plugins. I don't expect any griefering around our server, though you can never be too sure. I would hate to lose a quality player just because someone else decided to ruin his fun.

When I say 'flame war', I'm referring to a couple of keyboard warriors going at it over the public chat channel. I'll take your word that you're a peaceful guy, though, and assume that you'd stay level-headed in an argument.

You've been added to our white-list, hope to see you on!


- Minecraft Name: jacobcable

- Tekkit Classic Experience: played for quite a long time, but have had a break (study took over for a while)

- Age:19

- How long have you been looking for a server like this?: A very long time.

- Why do you want to play this server, and not some large-scale one?: In my opinion the best way to experience tekkit is by playing with a small group of players. I love multiplayer and prefer it to single player, but too many players means griefing and its less personal

- Have you ever been given the position of mod/admin on a server before?: i have been an admin on a small bukkit MC server, and have had responsibilities (not as high as mod) on a couple of large servers

- If you were to witness a flame war (provided there are no admins online), how would you react?: i would try and diffuse the situation and tell them to wait for an admin to resolve the conflict

- Now, if you were IN that flame war, and an admin had to come to settle the argument, how would you react? Would you defend yourself? Apologize?: I would put forward facts, not opinion, and ultimately accept the decision made by the admin.


@Jacobcable, I can definitely respect having to take a break for school. Academics always come first, as hard as that may be sometimes. Good to see you would be down to earth, were you in any sort of argument.

I've added you to the whitelist, hope to see you online. Bear in mind that spawn is sort of dinky at the moment, I haven't had time today to switch around warps and regions yet.


- Minecraft Name: Fordman01

- Tekkit Classic Experience: I know basically everything there is to know about Tekkit Classic.

- Age: 15

- How long have you been looking for a server like this?: A LONG TIME. Like 5 weeks about

- Why do you want to play this server, and not some large-scale one?: I would like to play on this server because I always end up getting griefed on those so called "No griefing/raiding Servers". I also would like to be a part of a small, nice server.

- Have you ever been given the position of mod/admin on a server before?: Yes I have.( I also have my own server)

- If you were to witness a flame war (provided there are no admins online), how would you react?: I would tell the people involved to stop and wait for an admin. Then I would come and post it on this forum to try and alert admins. Then when the admins got onto the server, I would tell them what I thought of the "flame war."

- Now, if you were IN that flame war, and an admin had to come to settle the argument, how would you react? Would you defend yourself? Apologize?: I would Apologize and tell the admin my side of the story and then accept the consequences of my actions.


- Minecraft Name:TOHELL123456

- Tekkit Classic Experience:i have played it for awhile now and im not the kind of prson to ask how to make things all the time.

- Age:17

- How long have you been looking for a server like this?:awhile i keep gtting greft on public servers and i stopped playing it for a long time because i was playing 3 different servers logged on one after the other and all my hard work gone on all 3.

- Why do you want to play this server, and not some large-scale one?:because there are to many people on them and grifing just pisses me off.

- Have you ever been given the position of mod/admin on a server before?:yes my own small hamachi server

- If you were to witness a flame war (provided there are no admins online), how would you react?: i would pm the admins so when they come online they know what has happened.

- Now, if you were IN that flame war, and an admin had to come to settle the argument, how would you react? Would you defend yourself? Apologize?:i wouldnt be in one unless they steal or gref and i would tell the admin to get them kicked to prevent it from happening again.


- Minecraft Name: Dengian

- Tekkit Classic Experience:none

- Age:I would prefer not

- How long have you been looking for a server like this?: ever since I imagined getting minecraft

- Why do you want to play this server, and not some large-scale one?:it seems very fun almost like the yogscast one

- Have you ever been given the position of mod/admin on a server before?: no im quite new

- If you were to witness a flame war (provided there are no admins online), how would you react?: ask them to stop

- Now, if you were IN that flame war, and an admin had to come to settle the argument, how would you react? Would you defend yourself? Apologize?: I would apologize and if I had killed him I would hand back what I'd picked up


- Minecraft Name: Alinie

- Tekkit Classic Experience: Little to none, I could use some friends that play Tekkit and some help.

- Age: 14

- How long have you been looking for a server like this?: About a week, I didn't know about Tekkit since then.

- Why do you want to play this server, and not some large-scale one?: Yes, I like knowing people, not saying who is that?

- Have you ever been given the position of mod/admin on a server before?: Yes, I am an admin on a server right now.

- If you were to witness a flame war (provided there are no admins online), how would you react?: Sadly, I would not interrupt, I am usually a timid/shy person.

- Now, if you were IN that flame war, and an admin had to come to settle the argument, how would you react? Would you defend yourself? Apologize?: I would never get in a fight, I would defend myself and eventually apologize.


-Minecraft Name: Thesentryisaspy

-Tekkit Classic Experience:I know how to craft most industrial craft and buldcraft besides that pretty clueless.

-Age: 13

-Looking for a server like this for about a week

-large scale everything is claimed and nobody will help you

-no i've never been mod or admin i'm just shy i guess

-flame war?

-apologize i guess


- Minecraft Name: Supergnash

- Tekkit Classic Experience: Lots. And lots. But not enough. I know IC, BC, RC, and a little EE as well as a bit of everything else.

- Age: 16 (Also how old are you? It might be awkward if there was a big age gap.)

- How long have you been looking for a server like this?: Ever since tekkit first came out I've been looking for a good server to join, but I I've only really started looking a few weeks ago.

- Why do you want to play this server?: Too many plug-ins and too much griefing on big servers. Plus I like to get to know people.

- Have you ever been given the position of mod/admin on a server before?:I've been a mod on a vanilla server before, but that was quite small.

- If you were to witness a flame war (provided there are no admins online), how would you react?: If there were a lot of people online other than them I would probably stay out of it, but otherwise I would just try stop them somehow.

- Now, if you were IN that flame war, and an admin had to come to settle the argument, how would you react?: To be honest, I would probably argue for a bit unless I was told to do something in which case I would just do it and apologize, but I don't see that happening anyway.

Also, just want to say I love the idea of underground EE. I don't like using it much, but it is useful, so this could be a fun way to get around that :D


- Minecraft Name:


- Tekkit Classic Experience:

I've been playing since it was released and the individual mods before that

- Age:


- How long have you been looking for a server like this?:

All my life ;)

- Why do you want to play this server, and not some large-scale one?:

You feel like more of a community, with too many players you may as well be by yourself

- Have you ever been given the position of mod/admin on a server before?:

Yes, I have had my own servers in the past, I know a lot about Tekkit and would love the chance to help out

- If you were to witness a flame war (provided there are no admins online), how would you react?:

I'd probably try to calm them if it got out of hand, but I'd usually try to stay out of it

- Now, if you were IN that flame war, and an admin had to come to settle the argument, how would you react? Would you defend yourself? Apologize?:

I can't imagine being in a flame war, but if I was there would have been a good reason, I would stop if asked by an admin but suggest that they check the chat-log rather than try to defend myself

Also... Supergnash is my brother and I'd love a great server for us both to play because I'm moving to another city next week


Minecraft Name:Infamusfiend

- Tekkit Classic Experience: lots, i have played online servers, as well as having my own.

- Age: 26

- How long have you been looking for a server like this?: a few months since i found tekkit

- Why do you want to play this server, and not some large-scale one?: I want both me and my friend to be able to find a server we can play on that has EE enabled so that we can build, we both like to build grand structures, the problem with big servers is to many resources being taken, and people messing with your buildings. Also smaller communities tend to work together on projects which is more fun.

- Have you ever been given the position of mod/admin on a server before?: Yes, but mostly with friends, and my own of course.

- If you were to witness a flame war (provided there are no admins online), how would you react?: Usually i am a voice of reason so would try to calm them down.

- Now, if you were IN that flame war, and an admin had to come to settle the argument, how would you react? Would you defend yourself? Apologize?: I wouldnt be in a flame war, im a little more mature than that, however if some one did flame me i would either ignore it or take it to an admin.


Minecraft name: jerlegol

Tekkit Classic experience: I can set up a basic ore-processing machine in 30 minutes.

Age: 11

How long have you been looking for a server like this? Ever since this one guy on a pvp server, right as I spawned, killed me. Then I knew that I needed a whitelisted, non-pvp server.

Why do you want to play on this server? I just want a server that I can build and interact with others on.

If you were to witness a flame war(provided there are no admins around) how would you react? Um, I seriously don't know. I would probably just say, guys, stop it. And then not watch the chat bar.

Now if you were in that flame war and an admin had come to settle the arguement how would you react? I would apoligize, and then give the admin something to make up for the arguement.


- Minecraft Name: Singeie

- Tekkit Classic Experience: Quite some time, I started playing just before they removed forestry.

- Age: 18

- How long have you been looking for a server like this?: Quite some time! Several months in fact, no where ever reply's.

- Why do you want to play this server, and not some large-scale one?: As much as I like working on a large scale build, I don't like the over complication that comes from some bigger servers, so that's why I would like to play on this server.

- Have you ever been given the position of mod/admin on a server before?: Almost, I applied for a position of admin, but the server shut down!

- If you were to witness a flame war (provided there are no admins online), how would you react?: Firstly I would try to defuse the situation as best as possible, whilst respecting my position as an outsider to the argument, and if that doesn't work then try to save/protect mine and others work.

- Now, if you were IN that flame war, and an admin had to come to settle the argument, how would you react? Would you defend yourself? Apologize?: Apologize firstly, if nothing else then just out of respect, but it really shouldn't have got that far as to need intervention, so I would hope I would have seen the error in my behavior on that aspect alone and apologize, but if there was a point I wanted to get across I would try.

Thank you for reading this, and I have one question regarding the banning of furnaces, does that ban include the basic vanilla cobblestone furnace?


- Minecraft Name: bigshotking

- Tekkit Classic Experience: Privately hosted servers with friends or by myself, in other words TONS! Not to mention once I'm done studying I like to hop on my own server and mess around for a bit.

- Age: 19

- How long have you been looking for a server like this?: Long time, I hate the large servers to many people and gets way to crowded in my opinion. A game with a lower count is much more fun.

- Why do you want to play this server, and not some large-scale one?: Large scale server are way over crowded and usually end up with trouble makers and admins that abuse power.

- Have you ever been given the position of mod/admin on a server before?: Yes, but only minor

- If you were to witness a flame war (provided there are no admins online), how would you react?: I would try to calm the situation down and try to talk them down and eventually report to an admin once they are online.

- Now, if you were IN that flame war, and an admin had to come to settle the argument, how would you react? Would you defend yourself? Apologize?: I would explain my side of the story to the admin and if the admin feels that I am in the wrong then I will accept the punishment and apologize. But not before defending myself to the best of my abilities using logical facts and explaining the situation as clearly as possible.


- Minecraft Name: LudTheGod

- Tekkit Classic Experience: I've been playing it for a while, been on 1 decent server which i played on for a while

- Age: 17

- How long have you been looking for a server like this?: I've been looking for quiet a while, there's alot of servers where they have stopped white listing people

- Why do you want to play this server, and not some large-scale one?: I prefer playing on a server where people haven't gone all over the place, building stuff. And i like to be

in a small community where people kinda know eachother.

- Have you ever been given the position of mod/admin on a server before?: Yes, but only because i was a friend

- If you were to witness a flame war (provided there are no admins online), how would you react?:Well, it's always annoying to see people talk shit about eachother, so at first i would try to

tell them to stop, and if it doesn't work and it goes out of hand, i would report it to an admin.

- Now, if you were IN that flame war, and an admin had to come to settle the argument, how would you react? Would you defend yourself? Apologize?: I'm rarely in flame wars, but i would probably explain why i was doing it, and if he then shows me that it was wrong, then i would accept whatever punishment would come.

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