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Q1: My modpack is loading as vanilla. What do I do?

  • A1: Make sure the modpack zip is a zip. Not a rar, not a tarball. A simple zip.
  • A2: Make sure the folders contained within are the following:

    • bin
    • mods
    • coremods
    • config

    [*]A3: Make sure the bin folder contains only modpack.jar

    • The modpack.jar file should be the correct version of Forge Universal. Simply download it from files.minecraftforge.net and rename it to modpack.jar. If you're on windows, make sure the file extension is visible (as in .zip for example).

    [*]A4: If using dropbox, do not use a link such as

 Instead, replace the www part with dl. As in 

Q2: I'm getting an error. What do I do?

  • A: READ THE ERROR. 95% of the time it's telling you exactly what the issue is. If the info displayed in the in-game error isn't sufficient, look for the error log within your modpack folder. Still can't figure it out? At least have the decency to use a pastebin service before posting it here. I suggest hastebin cause it's uncluttered.

Q3: The error said "block w from mod x conflicts with block y from mod z".

  • A: Locate your installation directory.
    On linux it's usually at /home/UserName/.technic/whatever-the-pack-is-called.
    On windows it's usually at %appdata%/.technic/whatever-the-pack-is-called.
    On mac, well you gotta wait for me to update this cause I've no idea.
  • Go into the config directory within the technic directory and open the appropriate config.
  • Edit the block/item id to something else.
  • Repeat till you no longer get any conflicts.

Q4: I fixed all the id conflicts and single player works fine. Whoever, when I uploaded everything to the server, the server won't allow connections and claim id mismatches when attempting to connect. What do I do?

  • A: This can be tricky. I've found that renaming all the mods to use lowercase letters and no spaces both on the client download and on the server eliminates that issue (might require re-doing some configs) but I can't say for sure that this will always work.

Note 1:

This will be updated whenever a new common issue with a known solution appears.

Note 2:

Also, here's a little piece of advice. If you plan on updating your modpack frequently, it would be a good idea to keep a backup of your config files somewhere. It would also be a good idea to open the new config side by side with the old one and compare them to check for fixable differences.

Note 3:

If something that I haven't covered comes up and there's a known solution, please post it here. I'll make sure to add it to the OP.


This is good, but its pretty much a complete duplicate of Luke's Guide, You should have just asked him to add some of this content, instead now you have a pointless thread which will fall by the wayside.


Honestly, it never even occurred to me to check his guide for these things. I've been making modpacks since the old launcher so I never had to check his guide out. I just noticed how everyone was asking the same over and over and thought I would provide a few basic replies. Tbh I'm kinda baffled that this already exists yet the same threads keep on popping out like mushrooms....


Tbh I'm kinda baffled that this already exists yet the same threads keep on popping out like mushrooms....

Dude, I thought you were an old hat around here? This is Technic Forums, it wouldn't be any other way!

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