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Hexxit is a must try. Liked it so much, I put together a server. Feel free to try Hexxit out there!

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I've played quite a few Minecraft modpacks and I have to say that Hexxit is one of my favorites. If you're on the fence on trying it out, just jump in and do it. It's a lot of fun and allows for exploration and creativity. I've found that a lot of servers are either unstable or not-dedicated to being available (only up a few days and such).

That being said, we put together a Hexxit server 50 slot that's open 24/7 so everyone always has a consistent place to call home. Feel free to stop by! This is a legit server, so we're not handing out creative mode or anything. The server is designed for a no-nonsense actual gameplay style for the mod. We put together a welcome center for all guests to spawn into that acts as a safe point until you're ready to go and explore the world. I hope to see ya!


If there are any issues, let me know. [email protected]

Welcome Center:




I've played quite a few Minecraft modpacks and I have to say that Hexxit is one of my favorites. If you're on the fence on trying it out, just jump in and do it. It's a lot of fun and allows for exploration and creativity. I've found that a lot of servers are either unstable or not-dedicated to being available (only up a few days and such).

That being said, we put together a Hexxit server 50 slot that's open 24/7 so everyone always has a consistent place to call home. Feel free to stop by! This is a legit server, so we're not handing out creative mode or anything. The server is designed for a no-nonsense actual gameplay style for the mod. We put together a welcome center for all guests to spawn into that acts as a safe point until you're ready to go and explore the world. I hope to see ya!


If there are any issues, let me know. [email protected]

Hexxit is the unstable one, actually; which is a shame but predictable for such a new mod pack given the medium amount of mods on it and the young age of it.

With that being said, I also really recommend Hexxit. It's boring on single player like a majority of things Minecraft, but is really enjoyable on a server with good specs and zero lag, such as the server I play on right now (hex.boostmc.org). If the server has pvp, the server can get interesting given moderation of some items (destruction catalyst, ender bow etc) and the general freereign players can have with weapon flexibility from Tinkers Construct and Hexxit Armor.

After you've beat down the exploration part, and the PvM / PvP part, it can be quite fun to bunker down and start building great structures.


Better Dungeons is purportedly causing crash issues so we've temporarily disabled it until a fix has come out for it, which should probably be occurring in 1.0.6.

A lot of people are having the same crash issues on other servers so I've informed them that disabling Better Dungeons fixes the issue. We were getting crashes every 2-5 minutes, and after we disabled it, we haven't received a crash in almost 8 days.

The server error caused by generation should be fixed by updating or running a 1.0.5 server. We were getting the same until we switched to 1.0.5. It could've been an issue with Better Dungeons though.

I asked Chocolatin about it and gave him a crash log but I'm still waiting on a response.


On American hours early morning we see about 25 people average (there's 23 and it's 11:30 EST) and around afternoon it's roughly 40 average. At noon the population hovers around 50-65 players average and then drops to around 9-15 players at 1:00 AM. We're also running with 198 slots so this is nice.


I'm gonna point out that the pack was never designed to have 25 people at a time on, more like 10 max, its a cool idea but just not possible with that much worldgen to not have issues as the player count gets higher.


Looks like you nailed it.

Getting constant crashes now:

31.07 22:55:40 [Multicraft] Skipped 332 lines due to rate limit (30/s)

31.07 22:55:38 [server] SEVERE java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.getTask(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1068)

31.07 22:55:38 [server] SEVERE java.util.concurrent.SynchronousQueue.poll(SynchronousQueue.java:942)

31.07 22:55:38 [server] SEVERE java.util.concurrent.SynchronousQueue$TransferStack.transfer(SynchronousQueue.java:359)

31.07 22:55:38 [server] SEVERE java.util.concurrent.SynchronousQueue$TransferStack.awaitFulfill(SynchronousQueue.java:460)

31.07 22:55:38 [server] SEVERE java.util.concurrent.locks.LockSupport.parkNanos(LockSupport.java:226)

31.07 22:55:38 [server] SEVERE sun.misc.Unsafe.park(Native Method)

31.07 22:55:38 [server] SEVERE Stack:

31.07 22:55:38 [server] SEVERE PID: 152 | Suspended: false | Native: false | State: TIMED_WAITING

31.07 22:55:38 [server] SEVERE Current Thread: process reaper

31.07 22:55:38 [server] SEVERE ------------------------------

31.07 22:55:37 [server] SEVERE Current Thread State:

31.07 22:55:37 [server] SEVERE MCPC+ version: git-MCPC-Plus-jenkins-MCPC-Plus-Legacy-617 (MC: 1.5.2)

31.07 22:55:37 [server] SEVERE Be sure to include ALL relevant console errors and Minecraft crash reports

31.07 22:55:37 [server] SEVERE Please report this to http://www.mcportcentral.co.za/

31.07 22:55:37 [server] SEVERE The server has stopped responding!

31.07 22:55:17 [server] INFO Regular: [Regular] brankiller99, [Regular] slayer5934

31.07 22:55:17 [server] INFO Guest: [Guest] BDK231

31.07 22:55:17 [server] INFO Admins: [Owner] RpTheHotrod

31.07 22:55:17 [server] INFO list

31.07 22:54:33 [Multicraft] Skipped 57 lines due to rate limit (30/s)

31.07 22:54:31 [server] SEVERE at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_5_R3.util.AsynchronousExecutor.finishActive(AsynchronousExecutor.java:287)

31.07 22:54:31 [server] SEVERE at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_5_R3.util.AsynchronousExecutor$Task.finish(AsynchronousExecutor.java:179)

31.07 22:54:31 [server] SEVERE at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_5_R3.chunkio.ChunkIOProvider.callStage2(ChunkIOProvider.java:15)

31.07 22:54:31 [server] SEVERE at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_5_R3.chunkio.ChunkIOProvider.callStage2(ChunkIOProvider.java:65)

31.07 22:54:31 [server] SEVERE at net.minecraft.world.chunk.Chunk.func_76624_a(Chunk.java:1259)

31.07 22:54:31 [server] SEVERE at net.minecraft.world.gen.ChunkProviderServer.func_73153_a(ChunkProviderServer.java:383)

31.07 22:54:31 [server] SEVERE at cpw.mods.fml.common.registry.GameRegistry.generateWorld(GameRegistry.java:178)

31.07 22:54:31 [server] SEVERE at chocolate.mods.BD.WorldGeneratorNew.generate(WorldGeneratorNew.java:45)

31.07 22:54:31 [server] SEVERE at chocolate.mods.BD.WorldGeneratorNew.generateSurface(WorldGeneratorNew.java:87)

31.07 22:54:31 [server] SEVERE at chocolate.mods.BD.WorldGeneratorNew.generateBigDungeon(WorldGeneratorNew.java:146)

31.07 22:54:31 [server] SEVERE at chocolate.mods.BD.builder.configurable.BuilderTemplate.generate(BuilderTemplate.java:25)

31.07 22:54:31 [server] SEVERE at chocolate.mods.BD.builder.configurable.BuilderTemplate.generate(BuilderTemplate.java:31)

31.07 22:54:31 [server] SEVERE at chocolate.mods.BD.builder.BuilderHelper.getRandomNBTMap(BuilderHelper.java:877)

31.07 22:54:31 [server] SEVERE at net.minecraft.nbt.NBTBase.func_74739_b(SourceFile:102)

31.07 22:54:31 [server] SEVERE net.minecraft.util.ReportedException: Loading NBT data


Better Dungeons has no new blocks besides the capsule stations (Which I doubt anybody has), besides the spawner blocks, which as soon as the dungeon spawns vanish, so you're safe to disable the mod as it is. The dungeons that are created all use vanilla wiring and blocks so the dungeons will just remain, just without any mobs.

If you feel unsafe still at that point, use McEdit and manually delete the dungeons as Better Dungeons stores an INFO file which displays the coordinates of every dungeon. You can also use an NBT editor to manually delete any better dungeon items, or use /openinv (plugin) on every player who has visited the server to manually delete their BD items. Usually when you disable a mod though, the items that were associated with that mob just vanish, not creating conflicting behavior.

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