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Voltz - Wires Removed


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I'm just wondering why were all the wires removed? I remember having like 50 different types of wires you could use for stuff like Atomic Science, but now there's only copper wire. A problem about copper wire is that it sucks, it catches on fire if you try to make any fusion reactors or anything that produces high amounts of electricity. An example of this was yesterday I was making a fulmination generator, I got everything set up and ready but after I threw the antimatter in and tried to generate power all the copper wires caught on fire. Now if I had something like insulated silver wire or high voltage wire that existed before I wouldn't have to worry about fires happening anymore, but all those are gone. Unless they were renamed but I couldn't find them anywhere.

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Those wires were part of Electric expansion. They are replaced, and will make it back into voltz, in 1.6. Untill then, use mekanism universal cables.

Thanks for recommending maksnism universal cables, I tried them out and they work great.

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