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Hey guys.

I have a server host running with Tekkit 1.18 and for some reason, when I run around, the world stops loading. The way I notice it first is that I kind of "hang" in the air for a nanosecond and then nothing seems to be wrong. I can move around and mobs also move around, however if I try to break a block, the block breaks but no block is on the ground. Also, if I run a little further, there is no more world, just void. I have also tried to battle mobs when this happens, and it seems to be a gigantic lag. I have gotten blown up by creeper a couple of times, and im still alive after im dead (if that makes any sense), I can still move around, however mobs no longer react to me.

If we wind back to where I break a block and the block doesnt show up, if I relog at that point, then I end up at the location where I was hanging in the air for that nanosecond. And breaking blocks work again and the world loads and everything is fine, but a minute or two later, the same thing happens again.

The Hexxit server, whenever I hang in the air there, it tells me I moved wrongly in the console. This doesnt happen on the Tekkit server.

I have tried to figure out what is causing this for several hours now and have not come up with anything. So far I have tested a few things.

1. Vanilla Minecraft works.

2. Bukkit Minecraft works.

3. Tekkit and Hexxit has the problem described above. Tried a professional host, and also tried running a server on my second computer (which is good enough, 16gb ram, quad core 3ghz, ssd etc).

4. Admin from my professional host ran around on the Tekkit server and didnt seem to have the problem that I have with it. He also restarted it, reinstalled it, looked through logs etc etc, but found nothing wrong.

Btw, both servers that I tested was nowhere near running out of resources. The servers were barely used.

I also tried to reinstall Tekkit btw, from my gaming ssd to my OS ssd but no change. Also tried runnning with or without Optifine, no change, also my network is 60/60Mbit Fiber and was only used on Tekkit (One of the servers was a LAN server anyway).

OS is 64bit Windows 7, using Java 1.7.0_25, 64bit.

I dont know what else to include, there are no errors in the logs.


If this is happening in both places (prof server and local server) then it sounds like it's more about your client. Of course, I'm still pretty much at a loss for what that tells us about your client. Have you had anybody else connect to both servers to verify this?

Are you using any plugins? If so, have you tried disabling/removing them all? I would definitely leave Optifine and any other modifications out of the equation until you've verified that this is working well, then add things back in slowly until you notice the behavior start up again.


Btw, while I was typing this post, I was standing at the edge of the world where there was just void. When I was done typing the post, I jumped into it, I was just slowly falling downwards and when I was at the bottom I relogged and ended up in a jungle that I ran past earlier, and there was a skeleton and hundreds of arrows on the ground. I probably was "hanging" there and he was just standing there shooting at me, but somehow I wasnt getting hit because I was somewhere else.. oh man, this is confusing lol. *frustrated*


If this is happening in both places (prof server and local server) then it sounds like it's more about your client. Of course, I'm still pretty much at a loss for what that tells us about your client. Have you had anybody else connect to both servers to verify this?

Are you using any plugins? If so, have you tried disabling/removing them all? I would definitely leave Optifine and any other modifications out of the equation until you've verified that this is working well, then add things back in slowly until you notice the behavior start up again.

Yes, I have pretty much been able to conclude that there is something with my client, but im at a loss at what it can be. Can it be that Tekkit/Hexxit doesnt like 64bit version of Java? I have tried with and without Optifine, and it happens regardless. I have no other plugins or mods or whatever installed except from the Tekkit/Hexxit modpack, which I have installed, deleted, reinstalled to another disk without any change.

If anyone would want to come on and test if this happens to you too, that would be helpful. I have had one person come on and it didnt seem to happen to him though. Ill send server info in a message if you want to come on and have a look. It shouldnt take more than 1 minute max to see if it happens. Basicly, you just run a round for a bit, and feel the sudden "hanging in the air" thing for a nanosecond, and then its happened. You can no longer break blocks.


Further testing shows that it is definetly my client that has the problem, and not the server. I played on the server for a bout 5 minutes with another computer that I have and did not experience any issues what so ever, while it happens within a minute with my main computer. Im wondering what it can be. All drivers are up to date, its a more powerful computer, same OS, same Java, same Tekkit installation. Other games seem to work perfectly, even Vanilla/Bukkit Minecraft works as it should.

If anyone have a clue, let me know, im lost.


Yeah, so, I dont have this problem anymore for some reason. I gave up on it and was doing other stuff, among other things, I was going through my event log to see locate any issues that I have with my computer. Nothing big, just a few annoyances here and there (my rig is fairly new), so I ended up disabling a service that came with my graphic card drivers (nvstreamsvc) and changing a setting in my graphic card control panel and then I did a restart. And then I tried playing Tekkit again and it worked. I played for about an hour and it was all fine, so who knows, maybe my computer just needed a boot.

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