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Hey Darthhax! I had the same issue for awhile where the server restarts everytime I log in. For some reason, it had something to do with my location (I was at the top of a completed battle tower).

Anyways, there was always a few seconds before the server restarted after logging in, so during this time, I ran and jumped out of one of the openings/windows of the tower and just like that, no more restarts.

Hope this helps you at all. I'd wait until the server is empty to try. Goodluck!

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Server restart intervals are set to run every 3 hours in order to "refresh" itself. It shouldn't be restarting any earlier than that -unless- however, it crashes for whatever reason. Hexxit isn't the most stable modpack at the moment without disabling all the better mods or whatnot.

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At 8:40AM when I posted, the server itself was restarting roughly every 30 seconds, as in the server sending out the message that it was restarting, and then everyone getting kicked.

Turns out it was someone in a bugged Dungeon, and every time he logged in it crashed.

At the moment the server itself is down.

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