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One of my friends loves EE2, but won't even bother trying any other modpacks, He just wants to keep on trucking with Tekkit Classic, How would I go about convincing him duplication isn't the end all thing?


Like Neo said, Ars magica is a great mod for this. Ars magica 2 looks like it'll be taking the creativity > raw mindless dupe power thing even further by requiring you to create your own spells from scratch.

Or you could show him RiM and challenge him to a superweapon/super mining machine building contest. Again, creativity > raw mindless power.


Hmm, He said that he loves having "infinite" items all at once so he can be creative (Without creative mode on.)

What is RiM?

Basically redpower frames 3.0 :iia:

The custom rendering for mod blocks and such is fairly impressive, and there is a new, (optional), "hard mode" in the works that will make it require power to move. It will also make the building of moving things much more interesting.

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