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Battletowers and Biomes... Someone please help


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It's getting a tad frustrating to keep spending so much time trying to roll back or repair damage being done by random battletowers... I looked at the config and found that they won't spawn in certain Biomes...... So I changed the Biome our town was in to River as it was on the list of Biomes not to spawn in. Worked like a charm for a minute. NOW certain parts of my town get changed into a "wasteland" Biome followed by a tower. I've caught it at certain times.. flying around town and I'll see a large plot of Wasteland sticking out like a sore thumb (without a Battletower at this point. Normally I'll select the area, (using Worldedit) expand vert and set to air, and then set the layers of stone and dirt back the way they were. I don't use regen because these areas were originally wasteland biomes (It's where we first spawned)... and when I regen.. well I've had battletowers suddenly spawn in that spot. Nonetheless... This is getting tiring, especially after we've built homes with intricate redstone doors and gadgets.. Does anyone have an idea why this happens or how to make it stop??

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