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I've started two quarries underground with five landmarks each - 4 to etch out the corners and another to add depth. They're about 64x32x39 each, starting at layer 44 or so. In *both* of them, the quarry accepted the landmarks fine and displayed the black and yellow outline like I wanted it to. Everything seems to be working perfectly, but when I check back later they've been mining from the surface down! I don't want huge, ugly holes in my landscape, so this has been kind of infuriating. They seem to be ignoring the bottom-most landmark for some reason. Adding more of them hasn't helped. Letting the quarry run without landmarks works just fine, however, but not in the pattern that I'd want.

To clarify, they've been destroying blocks from the top down - it hasn't laid it's framework down yet.


Here's some unnecessary pictures of the second attempt.



Hmm from my understanding... you can only define a quarry's width and length not it's height. I place my quarries with 3 markers. Drop them in an L shape and right click on the middle one (don't right click on any of the others while you place them) and it will link all four corners. Place a quarry next to a marker and the marked outline will change to the yellow and black color and be the size of your marked area and 5 (or maybe 6 I forget) blocks high. Any block that exists in that yellow outlined area will be destroyed. It's not mined it's zapped out of existence to make room for the quarry structure first. Then the pipes are built and finally it starts digging down to bedrock.

It seems as if your quarries are glitched out in that first stage where it clears blocks before building the pipe structure. Try replacing them using the method I described above.


Oh, I think I just misunderstood how the landmarks are supposed to work. I was hoping to just have a quarry build the main hall of my base - I figured that if I defined the lower bound of the quarry as the lower bound of the hall, I can just leave it alone vs. baby-sitting it and shutting it off when it reaches the desired layer. I replaced the landmarks as you described and it works. Thanks. D'oh, figures I should've just researched a bit more. Still, it's odd that it started destroying blocks completely out of bounds of the markers.


Ooh so what you want to use is the Filler. Despite the name it can be used to clear marked areas as well as fill marked areas and build basic structures like stairs, pyramids, etc. It's only marginally more complex to use than a quarry. The primary differences between Fillers and Quarries is that Fillers will obey your 3 dimensionally selected areas and that Fillers don't save what they remove. The removed blocks are broken and drop to the ground then disappear in half a second. You can run around after where the Filler is breaking blocks and pick them up before they disappear but it was done to prevent Fillers being used as a cheaper alternative to Quarries for mining.

As for landmarks I think there are some problems with them. I had odd behaviors and difficulties marking areas before I learned that method I described. Sometimes only one face of the cuboid I was attempting to mark would be marked or worse yet what looked like a cuboid selection was actually two oddly shaped selections overlapping. I've also had situations where the outlines wouldn't display properly until I log out and back onto my server.

I didn't mention that you can use 4 markers to mark 3 dimensions if you place the 4th above or below the middle one and still only right click on the middle one. I usually start with the middle marker placed where I want to place the quarry itself, place the "arms" then go back to the middle and right click, place my quarry and go.


Ooh, just saw this. I wasn't aware that fillers could serve that role; I just heard the name and figured it'd be useful for filling in my old quarries - and not much else. That sounds pretty handy despite the lack of drops. Thanks again, you've been real helpful.

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