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How do I fix 413 Request Entity Too Large error message?


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I'm actually having this same exact issue right now. I've followed the guides to a letter to ensure things are tidily assembled and uploaded to my hosting source right, and I'm being walled off by these incessant 413 errors. I've tried two different hosts so far and with no luck. I thought given how light-weight my mod pack was that DropBox could handle it, but I had learned this site is known to time out if the file in the associated link is too large. So I've tried Ubuntu One file hosting. Still, this same error persists.

There has to be some kind of answer to this. I know this can't just be bad luck.


Okay, I seemed to have isolated the problem to the file size for the images used for the mod pack when editing the details of the pack. There ought to be a size limitation noted next to the dimensions of the image. I can't say for sure, of course, if this same snag was what affected S-Craft1, but my recommendation to you would be to avoid uploading any images that may be too large for your technic launcher icon/background.

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