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Launcher not installing/downloading modpacks.



Launcher Version: 383

Operating System: Win7

Java Version: Latest

Antivirus Program: not active

Description of Problem:

Launcher will not download modpacks, says error accessing URL.

URL can be accessed via a web browser however.

All technic files/folder deleted, launcher re-downloaded from site, and java reinstalled no fix.

Firewall settings checked, no fix.

as suggested on this forum "setx _JAVA_OPTIONS -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true" no fix

Running as admin, no fix

Error Messages:


Error Log:

2014/01/22 17:55:38 [WARNING] Unable to load users from C:UsersSENSOREDAppDataRoaming.technicusers.json because it does not exist.


notice that this is also looking for a folder inside roaming, when the launcher crated its root folder in %appadata%



2014/01/22 17:55:39 [WARNING] Unable to load technic modpacks

net.technicpack.launchercore.exception.RestfulAPIException: Error accessing URL [http://solder.technicpack.net/api/modpack/?include=full&cid=731ed9ef-1e44-4b16-9c79-dbfb877b5ca0]


which precedes a java stacktrace with this

at net.technicpack.launchercore.restful.RestObject.getRestObject(RestObject.java:76)

at org.spoutcraft.launcher.Launcher$5.run(Launcher.java:195)

Caused by: java.net.SocketException: Address family not supported by protocol family: connect

at java.net.DualStackPlainSocketImpl.connect0(Native Method)

at java.net.DualStackPlainSocketImpl.socketConnect(Unknown Source)

5 answers to this question

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add: can not use the setx fix as it says can not set a variable more than once.

Having issues with my clients not knowing, or not being able to set environment variables, so could someone drop this piece of code into the the launcher, it should fix everyone having this issue (it seems common)



Unless the TechnicLauncher gets the above code added you will have to either:

start -> search "command" -> right click -> run as admin -> past setx _JAVA_OPTIONS -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true

or (if using windows 7, or get an error from setx)

start -> control panel -> computer -> system -> advanced -> environmental variables -> new -> set name as "_JAVA_OPTIONS" (thats U_score JAVA u_score OPTIONS) -> value to "-Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true"

Do not include any quotes or my notes in parenthesis. This will fix the issue, tested on;

Windows 7

Windows Vista

due to the protocol detection capability of the kernel Linux is immune to this bug.

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The .technic folder is always installed inside the pathway %appdata% -> Roaming, there is nothing weird about that.

I'm glad you fixed it.

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The directory it uses seems to be dependent on if your run as admin or, not, i mentioned it as an aside in case it was related, but it is not, i should remove that from the post really. But this should fix many of the issues of this nature that have been posted here in the last month.

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There are some who have the Error accessing URL and for many the fix varies depending on what caused it. In this case

Caused by: java.net.SocketException: Address family not supported by protocol family: connect

it was java.

This reminds me about another fella who had the exact same error... Let's see if this thread can fix it for him

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It was the lack of an IPv6 address for the url which java could not address because IPv6 isn't implemented yet, so of course java threw an exception because there wasn't a try/catch methodology to cope with that happening. So in real terms it was the implementation at fault not java itself, java just revealed the issue by throwing an exception that wasn't handled.

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