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How To Up Your Game RAM (Memory) When Your Game Lags/Crashes/FPS Drop.


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I have see on this forum so many diffrent people asking the same question, "help I crashed and just went back to launcher", "help My game lags" and so on.


So I'm going to talk you though the most common way to fix this that I know of, and the most common way to fix it and has worked on many a count.


EDIT:    This will only work if you have a 64bit PC or Java. For the people that didn't pick 64bit and stuck with A 32bit PC/Java it will only go up to 1GB



1. Open your Launcher. Make sure you are on the 'Attack of the B-Team' pack.


2. At the top right by the red X exit you will see a grey cog. Click it.





3. Next you want to find were it says 'Memory'. This is your RAM. You want to click the little down arrow. I have my RAM set at 5GB but some people have told me after I have told them to try this that their game was fine after 3 or 4GB






5. Now just click the 'save' under 'Memory' and launch your game.


6. Please make sure you also have the most up-to-date Java. It's Version 7 Update 51 atm.   http://www.java.com/en/



Please try these steps before starting a new post.  ;)

Edited by Eziair
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