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Speeding Up Modpack Update Time?


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How would you recommend I go about speeding up the update time for the mod pack i'm making? Don't want people waiting longer then they should have to when I release it, I don't own and don't plan on owning a dedicated server, so that's out of the question, I'm currently hosting the modpack .zip file on my web host.

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if bandwidth is a problem (i.e. when clients update, it takes a long time to download) you basically need to find a faster host for your pack.  there are lots of really cheap web hosting services that will give you plenty of speed for only a few dollars a month if all you need/want is simple file hosting.  10-20 will get you good hosting that could even support solder if you wanted.


basically, find a better web host.  don't use dropbox if you want speed. for that matter, anything free is most likely not going to be fast.

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