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I Need Help... Urgently!

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When ever i launch Attack Of T he B Team, it doesn't work! well.. i mean, it loads all the mods perfectly then this happens


it stays on this screen for about 10 seconds then continues onto this


it runs minecraft 1.6.4.. then it doesn't respond like so...


then it returns me back to the launcher...


should these images help? i dont know! but if they do, great! maybe you could help me!


i have also tried Everything i know. Force updating, Deleting .technic and letting it load again, and even allocating more memory (here is my Tekkit settings if this helps too) sB6jCF7.png

so if you know how to help, please dont hesitate to respond, it will always be of some help!





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Computer Specs


Optiplex 755

intel core2 vPro

Windows Vista Basic


i unfortunately can not provide my repot file dues to the sheer size of it and me not being able to paste it onto paste bin, i hope my computer specs help though :-)



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Add more then 1 GB of ram

(max 4)

If you can add more then 1 gb 

Check this:

'?do=embed' frameborder='0' data-embedContent>>


If this did not help

Get an error log 

And post it here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/  <-- allowes bigger pastes then pastebin.

And the post the link of your paste here.


If also that wont work 

Upload your log to like mediafire :)

Edited by arriej
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1. Drop down bar doesn't let me add more than 1GB

My computer has 2GB of allocated RAM but can not select more than 1GB, but my computer is 64bit compatible.. Although I do not have a 64bit windows disk to upgrade. Can I still download 64bit java and it will still work?

Otherwise, my exams are in a few weeks, if I get good grades (over all A) I can get a gaming computer, probably thinking about this one? Or do you suggest another. http://www.amazon.co.uk/Ankermann-PC-WildCAT-i7-3770-3-40GHz-GeForce-Professional/dp/B0088E1G2G/ref=sr_1_17?s=computers&ie=UTF8&qid=1393745558&sr=1-17&keywords=Gaming+PC

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try lowering the ram a notch.  also, if 1GB is the limit that means you've got a 32-bit CPU.  unfortunately you're going to run into issues running most modern modpacks without a 64-bit CPU.  there isn't really any way around this limitation

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My computer is 64-bit compatible, it's just downloading it I am having trouble with, apparently I need to buy a windows 64-bit disk. But I think now I'm just gonna aim for an overall A in my exams and get this computer


And this mouse+keyboard to go with it.


Or do you think I should get another computer? My limit is probably £1000 but others than that, this computer and keyboard+mouse seems pretty good to me :D

EDIT: OMG! Just was reading through the reviews on the computer I want to buy and.... It plays minecraft at 1000+ Fps http://www.amazon.co.uk/product-reviews/B00AEL3M78/ref=cm_cr_pr_top_link_next_2?ie=UTF8&pageNumber=2&showViewpoints=0&sortBy=byRankDescending if this is true if this is true... OH MAH GAWD!!

Edited by awsomelycoolboy
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