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Why can't i add more ram to my Technic Launcher?


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So ive been wanting to play on some mod packs but they all mostly require at least 2 RAM, Ive been on youtube and watched videos on how to do it and none of them worked. My computer is 32bit and has 12 GB and i cant get it passed 1. Oh and ive tried using different javas.


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So ive been wanting to play on some mod packs but they all mostly require at least 2 RAM, Ive been on youtube and watched videos on how to do it and none of them worked. My computer is 32bit and has 12 GB and i cant get it passed 1. Oh and ive tried using different javas.


Either you are misreading something and you actually have a 64bit OS with 32bit java, or whoever sold/built you that machine had no clue what they are doing.

If your computer actually is 32bit then you have 8.6gig of wasted ram in it.

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