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Hey there!

I was wondering if anyone here could help me out.
I recently decided to compile my own Modpack, and I've followed all the instructions as best I can.

Everything seems okay, but when I hit "Play" in the launcher, it runs through all the file verification and then just doesn't open. I've tried a large number of things trying to fix this.

Could someone please take a look for me and see if you can help? It would be greatly appreciated.

Here's a link to the pack:


I hope you can figure out what's wrong :)

Thanks in advance.

  • Discord Moderator
  • You are including extraneous/unneeded/unwanted files in your "bin" folder. That folder should only contain "modpack.jar".
  • In the top level of your pack (because you have Flan's mod) you should only see folders for: bin, config, Flan, mods and resourcepacks (since you are including one)
  • You are including ICBM API. Remove it.
  • You have NEI installed but have not included CodeChickenCore which is required for that mod.
  • You have included NEI but none of the addons for NEI. You probably want to add them.
  • You have old versions of mods. For instance. Your version of NEI won't work with the latest version of CodeChickenCore.
  • Your Calclavia mods (UE, CalclaviaCore, ICBM) don't worth with each other. Check Calclavia's info to figure out which ones do.

Couldn't finish debugging, but that's a good start. Gotta roll!


Thanks so much for your effort and time!

I will work on fixing all of these errors tonight, and will post here after they've all been resolved. :)

Hopefully those are the only issues I'll have :)


You are totally my hero right now!

I followed your advice and it's all working on my system perfectly! Now I just need to upload it.

Thank you so much for being amazing :)

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