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[1.2.8e] craftCommunity [24/7] [PVE] [GriefProtection] [NoLag] [20TPS] [Ranks]

Craft Community

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The server said that if i reply i get to fly :)))

my IGN is mjaymatig


Yea, thats the other thing


You are stuck in a hole in the Spawn until you Vote for the server on various sites. Its a crappy way to force votes for your server.

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Loving the server so far. I like the rules and that the server has multiple things within a hub. i prefer no pvp so the regular survival is great to play around in. So few severs have that. I;m sick of playing factions.

(I never get far enough before someone raids me. gets kind of annoying starting over so soon each time)


Anyway This sefver looks unique enough for me to want to try it out. I hope to make some fun things in the near future!

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