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Attack of the B=Team Server : Fresh New Dedicated I.P

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I have Attack of the B-Team server running. Had to take most of the plugins out. runs good, and had the I.P. changed to a dedicated, now it's no port. I also whitelisted it. 


Just send me your In Game Name and age and country. Age does not matter. This is a friendly server, I would just like to know with whom I'm chatting with.


send everything to this e-mail [email protected]


If you can't connect

If you have any problems this is the e-mail to send it too.



1st : No Bad Language !!  I wouldn't want my Children playing on a Server full of Cursing and Bad content...


2nd : No Griefing other players builds !!!! (Unless Agreed by Player)


There is PVP ( only if others agree !!! )


I leave it up to  my Admins, Cole0512 and orrinjelo for the rules of PVP and Griefing.


3rd : This rule very important !!!!!!!!! ( NO GRIEFING Cleanjoe2's Builds, Place, Home's ANYTHING !! )  I Don't Like Griefing, PVP, Raiding others home. Nothing like that !!! BUT !  This is a fun server for everybody, so I don't push my dislike's on everybody.


You must put in your profile with your In Game Name if you agree or disagree with PVP and Griefing. The Admins will put your Name on the Rules board at spawn.


4th : And Final Rule !! You Must Have Fun.


These are the Basic rules, there are more rules in the server at the spawn area on the rules and Info board. We do take request's, but don't think it will happen right away. And don't get your feelings hurt if we don't use your request's.

Edited by Cleanjoe2
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Hello i have been looking for a small community to play attack of the B-Team with, my IGN is conmantm20 and i am a 15 year old male. I live in the United States. I would appreciate it if you would whitelist me and i promise to be a good Samaritan to my fellow peers. What do you say?

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Sounds like a great community, I'd be interested in being a part of it.  IGN Triavan 30 years old in Montana, USA.  I detest griefing, but I have no issue with good natured, consensual pvp.

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Hey, I would like to play on this server as I am recently new to the Modpack and I'm "Keen as Mustard" to learn from experienced and friendly staff. I have also read and agreed to (personally) the rules you have in place as they seem a logical thing to do.


IGN: HappyHippos360


Age: 16


Country: Australia 

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