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Technic keeps flickering


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Sorry that I had to post this in general discussion since I couldn't find anywhere else to put something like this in. Anyway, I keep having problems with technic. First, it wouldn't let me hit respawn or title screen when I died. It also flickered everyone once in a while[froze and unfroze really rapidly and would show the desktop for a split second.] So I took a wild guess and turned down my resolution. This made things even worse. Now, even in the title screen, javaw.exe keeps very, very rapidly. I don't know what to do at all.

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Technic is this website. If you're having a problem with an official pack or the launcher itself then it needs to go in the tracker. If not then it doesn't belong here at all.


Unless you're using a woefully outdated launcher to get the single player pack that was dropped ages ago. In that case definitely no, there is no place to ask for help because none is there to be given.

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