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Can someone make me modpack? I've tried everything, but every time something goes wrong. Can some kind person make a custom modpack that's minecraft 1.6.4 with these mods:


CoFH Core

Code Chicken Core


NEI Plugins

Immbis core

Immbis microblocks

Rei's minimap

Inventory tweaks

Galacticraft + Planets

Applied Energistics

Atomic Science

Big Reactors

Biomes o plenty



Mekanism generators

Mekanism tools

MFFS (modular force field system)

Minefactory reloaded

Modular Power suits + Modular power suits addons

Power crystals core

Carpenter's blocks

Computer craft


Metallurgy 3


Ender storage

tinker's construct

buildcraft + Additional buildcraft objects + tools


bibilocraft + biblio woods biomes o plenty

Damage indicators


den pipes

extra utilities

extra cells

iron chests

assembly line

logistics pipes


micdoodle 8 core

project red base, compat, integration, lighting, mechanical, and world

soul shards reborn

secret rooms mod

thermal expansion

tinkers mechworks


Universal electricity api


waila harvestability

world core


thanks and put the link of the custom modpack on technic platform below!

  • Discord Moderator

Even if someone made that pack for you (unlikely in the current atmosphere) they would probably not create a Technic pack page for the pack. When someone creates a modpack for another user they typically only provide a ZIP archive of the modpack which then needs to be integrated into that other user's Platform account/pack settings.

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