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Non-OPs can't use ANY commands!



Im sorry this is my third post here in such a short time, but well, bugs are bugs. My non-ops cannot use ANY commands. I have not modified permissions.yml (or whatever the extension is) or bukkit.yml(whatever the extension is.)

I tried deleting craftbukkit, but now there's only /kill. What mod should I use? Does Essentials conflict?

Also, even with craftbukkit gone, players still can't use commands such as LWC commands (Which I added) and AutoRegionGuard Commands (which I also added.) Help! This leaves them unable to protect their land!

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So let me get this right.... You havn't set perms and are complaining players have no permissions to do things? Umm.. you could try setting up the permissions correctly.. Look into a permssions plugin such at bPermissions or PEX. If you are using essentials, are u sure you didnt put in GM with it. If so you now have to put in perm nodes into group manager to allow the non-ops to use commands.

Would also be nice if you posted in the proper format.

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