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world edit issue?

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Hello! I'm a new Tekkit player, and must say I love it! I've been tring to use worldedit on my server to fill quarry hole using the //regen command. It seems to be filling the hole, but turning my electric engines into bio gas engines, aswell as glass fiber into copper wire. It regenerated trees outside the area I clicked to regen too. One of the first times I used it, it turn all my machines in my house into machine blocks, and half my wind turbines into generators. I thought the first time was just some weird fluke, but now I'm thinking I'm doing something wrong. Any help? Thanks a ton!

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it's probably a result of the way the mods use metadata and damage values to save block IDs. worldedit most likely does not remember those bits of info and thus you get the right block ID, but not the right block.

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