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[1.6.4] MagicTech Gateway Official [PvE] 110 slots[open] [MagicTech Gateway]

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Platform URL http://www.technicpack.net/api/modpack/magictech-gateway

Technic URL http://www.technicpack.net/modpack/details/magictech-gateway.484480

Website http://magictechgateway.iclanwebsites.com//

Server IP


MagicTech Gateway Official is a open Server that has been set up for players to use. The Server has a planed up time of 24/7.


Pictures can be found here http://s990.photobucket.com/user/vage2934/library/MagicTech%20Gateway


Server rules.


1.) No 1x1 towers

2.) no griefing

3.) Cursing is to be kept to a minimum

4.) Use Common Sense.




Grief Prevention

Tree Assist




And more to be add later on.


We will be doing build contests from time to time once the player base builds up.


Edit: The server is a 200 slot not 110 like the post title.

Edited by Vagaprime
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