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Hello all. Recently, I've been attempting to use the the site talonfiremage to help with the creation of IC2 nuclear reactor set-ups, but for some odd reason it redirects me to the Java download page. Here's where I'm attempting to reach: www.talonfiremage.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/reactorplanner.html

And I'm reaching about... right here: http://java.com/en/download/ie_manual.jsp?host=java.com&returnPage=http://www.talonfiremage.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/reactorplanner.html&locale=en-us

Weird right?

The weirder thing is that I recently as well checked a post in Encyclopedia Technica about nuclear reactor stats and setups, and according to the most recent post, people have been creating nuclear reactor setups fine using this site since May 23rd. I attempted to google the issue, only to be met with, no solution whatsoever. Nomatter what link to that specific site I try, I always end up at the Java download page. I've tried using two browsers as well. Internet Explorer 9 and Mozilla Firefox. Each had the same issue, except firefox re-directed me to the Java download page more directly. I even did the un-thinkable, I searched the Technic Forums. *GASP*

Anyone else having this issue with this specific website? Did this issue start appearing recently?


God, I am such a idiot. I was trying it on the 32-bit versions of the browsers when I had 64-bit Java installed. I fired it up on a 64-bit browser and it worked perfectly fine. Sorry for my idiocy *facepalm*.

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