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Tekkit Suggestion

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This is a place to suggest mods for Tekkit.


[list type=decimal]

[li]The mod needs SMP support and Bukkit support. Don't suggest mods without it. The Technic Team isn't going to port a mod just because you really want it. [/li]

[li]The mod can not conflict with mods currently in Tekkit. No one is going to make workarounds just for one mod.[/li]

[li] Give a link and description for the mod. No one wants to go looking for it just because its "good."[/li]

[li] Do not re-suggest mods[/li]

[li] The mod's SMP version must be up to date. If there was a SMP version in 1.6, don't suggest the mod[/li]

[li] Use the format to suggest a mod. If you don't you will be ignored[/li]



[b]Block IDs:[/b] 



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A suggestion for your rules list, actually... The mod needs Bukkit support. There are plenty of SMP mods that the Technic Team won't touch because, again, they're not going to port a mod just because someone really wants it, and Bukkit is the focal point of Tekkit.

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