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[Tekkit 3.0.3] Transmutation Table



I know this is not a right bug report, but there is nothing to tell about it. The problem is that TT is not working. You can craft it, place it and open it. But when you place or burn an item, the EMC value doesnt go up!

21 answers to this question

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I'm having the exact same issue on my 3.0.4 server. Nothing happens when items are put into the tablet except the firey slot, then they just vanish. No errors in the console at all, it just simply doesn't work.

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If the tablet hasn't learned an item, putting it in the burn slot will (sometimes?) simply burn it. I've noticed this on Tekkit specifically. Try putting it in the left-hand side first. Also, is the tablet stuck on Fuel or Matter? Burning the other item when it is stuck on one will make it disappear.

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The tablet says "no lock" and putting items in the burn slot will just make them vanish.

I did have an issue earlier where I had to op IC2 in order for a Miner to work; could something similar be going on here?

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It is not random, it just plain doesn't work. Other aspects of EE do such as the bag and chests but the tablet does nothing. I've tried OPing [EE] and [EquivalentExchange] but either that isn't the correct name, syntax or it didn't fix the issue. I'm going to try killing PEX and see if that helps and will post results. For reference, I'm running on MineOS Crux and my /plugins list is as follows:


11:41:48 [iNFO] Plugins (45): mod_WirelessRedstoneAddons, mod_IC2_ChargingBench, mod_IronChest, mod_BuildCraftEnergy, mod_RedPowerWiring, mod_MinecraftForge, mod_RedPowerControl, mod_BuildCraftCore, mod_ImmibisCore, Multiverse-Core, PermissionsEx, mod_BuildCraftFactory, mod_IC2, mod_BuildCraftBuilders, mod_RedPowerMachine, mod_RedPowerLighting, mod_NetherOres, dynmap, mod_RedPowerWorld, mod_CraftingTableIII, mod_ComputerCraft, mod_EE, mod_TubeStuff, mod_BuildCraftTransport, CoreProtect, mod_NotEnoughItems, mod_PowerConverters, mod_AdditionalPipes, mod_IC2AdvancedMachines, mod_Railcraft, mod_CCTurtle, mod_RedPowerCore, mod_RedPowerLogic, Modifyworld, mod_WirelessRedstoneRedPower, mod_IC2NuclearControl, mod_CompactSolars, mod_EnderStorage, Essentials, mod_CodeChickenCore, mod_WirelessRedstoneCore, ChatManager, EssentialsSpawn, Multiverse-Inventories, Multiverse-NetherPortals


Edit: Killing PEX had no effect.

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Same issue here.

Running 3.0.4 (didn't work on 3.0.3 either which is why I updated hoping it would be fixed)

Placing an item onto the left side does nothing. Placing an item in the fire destroys the item without changing the EMC value or interface. Placing an item in the target slot, again, nothing. Stuck on "No Lock," no matter where I place items.

I've tried destroying it and replacing, reloading the server, stopping the server and rebooting, taking out plugins 1 at a time and altogether to see if the issue lies there but nothing changes. No error reports, no logging, zilch, nada, bupkis.


Multiverse (core, inventories and NetherPortals)





How we doing for answers on this one?

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Its just plain not working. Didnt work in 3.0.3, not working in 3.0.4. Theres also a number of issues with the equilivant exchange stuff, id personally disable EE until its fixed.

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Didn't realise that before, none of the EE items such as Volcanite amulet, destruction catalyst, catalytic lens etc seem to work right. Destruction catalyst only works once, then you have to replace it. Charging does nothing. Same with the other catalytic stuff. Volcanite amulet won't place lava, again, charging does nothing, pressing R does fire, but doesn't place a source block. However shooting the amulets into the sky still turns weather on/off so that's good.

Just listing a few things to check for when releasing an update.

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I got the transmutation table working....

For myself it was a multiple world issue, and it would only work in the default world. So i made the main world everyone plays in the tekkit world.

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it seems, and dont quote me on this, but it seems for it to work it needs to know the folder name to be able to generate the file (WORLDFOLDERNAME/data/tablet_USERNAME.dat) in that world, and it seems to be having an issue reading world folder names, as its only creating the dat file in the world with the default folder in it.

To set your default world name, go into server.properties and ensure


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Ok I just found out that it is because of MultiModWorld. I have my Vanilla world as default and my tekkit world is a separate one. Now the problem is that it uses multiverse. Is there a way to make TT work with multiverse?

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most equivilant exchange stuff only worlds in the default world, its a right royal pain, it seems equilivant exchange is very poorly configured for multiple worlds

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same issue but I'm using "world" as the folder so multiworld is not the issue here its something breaking in the mod as on mine it allows fuel generation but even after putting a star in it will not reset just continues allowing you to create fuel and only that.

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Been having a problem with this myself using the transporter bukkit plugin. I managed to solve it by deleting the data/tablet_*username*_.dat file in my other world.

I guess that means you can only use the transmutation tablets in one world as the save files conflict. If there was a way to save the tablet files somewhere outside of the world folders then it might not conflict.

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i had the opposite problem transmutation table was not working on the main world but i changed the loading order in config for transporter and it worked.

but still nothing on the other worlds

so it seems it takes the first world on the list and makes it default.

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Yes EE has a problem writing the transmutation file to the different worlds. It onyl writes them to one world, and seems to be unable to share them accross worlds manually copying and updating them in the world folders manually works, but its tedious, and infuriating to users, and they loose EMC frequently.

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I've tried doing all these things in this thread and I still haven't gotten TT to work. Basically you can burn items for emc but it wont learn anything =/

Edit: I managed to fix it. For anyone who is having issues with multiworlds.

I may have taken Extra steps that aren't needed but this is exactly what I did and works.

(Tablets will only work in the main world)

Try the following.

1)Shut down your server. Doing this when live and doing plugin reloads wont work.

2)Use the Transporter Plugin to manage worlds (It's not as nice as multiverse but you want tablets right?)

3) in the plugins\Transporter\config.yml have "realm: {enabled: false}" ( this is the server-to-server manager. if you do server to server you may be out of luck.)

4) in the plugins\Transporter\config.yml have the main world (in my example it's just World) be this first world on the list. (simply copy and paste the order so the world you want tablets to work in is first)

5) In the server.properties make sure level-name=world (or replace world with the name of the world you want tablets in)

6) delete and replace from your root directory "mod_EE.props" with a fresh install(the directory with tekkit.jar)

7) delete and replace from your mods directory "EE2ServerV1.4.6.5-bukkit-mcpc-1.2.5-r5.zip" with a fresh install.

8)go into all of your world\data folder(s) and delete all tablet_USERNAME.dat (MAKE BACKUPS!)

9) relaunch your server and test tablets as they should now work in your Main world

Hope this helps anyone who was stumbling on the answer for hours like me

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/!\ RESOLUT /!\ le problème viens bien de multiworld ou myworld bref ci vous avez un plugins pour avoir plusieurs monde !

Pour ma part je l'ai enlever et la table de transmutations fonctionne correctement bons jeux :)

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