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Adding mods to technic/tekkit client



How's it going all, I've been away some time taking a break from technic. Finally convinced my wife to start playing minecraft. Well, I didn't convince her so much, but it's a long story >_<.

Anyways, I was wondering if there is some specific way of adding other mods to technic that I'm not aware of. I wouldn't really consider this a bug so I didn't catch the error reports, it's more of an open question about mods.

So what I had tried to do was to install worlddownloader onto my tekkit client. I had installed it on vanilla no problem. The reason I did is, there was a bit of a falling out on the server my wife plays on, and she'd fell really shitty to lose all the hard work she put in building her little houses. So I went ahead and copied out our corner of that world. So after that, I decided to install that mod onto my tekkit client to see about maybe getting some backups of my stuff on tekkit servers. The problem I ran into was that adding any .class files to the different .jar files of tekkit always caused the launcher to detect a change then redownload a fresh copy. I had also wanted to add portal gun mod for a tekkit server i was moving our stuff to, but I'm guessing I might run into the same issue.

So basically, is adding mods that add .class files impossible, or am I just doing it wrong?

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Check out the Technic+ stuff, somebody added a bunch of mods, both modpack.jar changes and .zip mods to the mods folder. Unfortunately, I think he discontinued it...

Um... What? >_>... I think I'll just walk away now

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