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Cannot Craft items?

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You used /reload, correct? Just restart your server and it should be fun. If you use the /reload command, it breaks all non-vanilla crafting.

WOW. You have been a huge help. You deserve like "Assistance" rank or something :P Thanks a lot

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Not a problem, did the permissions work for you as well?

No. Here is the code I used for the permissions


    default: false


    - serversigns.use.*

    - essentials.sethome

    - essentials.sethome.multiple

    - essentials.tpa

    - essentials.tpaccept

    - essentials.tpdeny

    - essentials.home

    - essentials.spawn

    - essentials.nick

    - essentials.afk

    - essentials.helpop

    - ultimatearena.player

    - sortal.warp

    - factions.kit.halfplayer

    - iConomy.access

    - iConomy.payment

    - iConomy.list

    - sb.use.money

    - sb.use.xp

    - sb.use.atm

    - -modifyworld.blocks.place.126:5

    - -modifyworld.blocks.destroy.126:5

    - -modifyworld.blocks.interact.126:5

    - -modifyworld.blocks.place.126:6

    - -modifyworld.blocks.destroy.126:6

    - -modifyworld.blocks.interact.126:6

    - -modifyworld.blocks.place.126:7

    - -modifyworld.blocks.destroy.126:7

    - -modifyworld.blocks.interact.126:7

    - -modifyworld.blocks.place.126

    - -modifyworld.blocks.destroy.126

    - -modifyworld.blocks.interact.126

    - -modifyworld.blocks.place.126:1

    - -modifyworld.blocks.destroy.126:1

    - -modifyworld.blocks.interact.126:1

    - -modifyworld.blocks.place.126:2

    - -modifyworld.blocks.destroy.126:2

    - -modifyworld.blocks.interact.126:2

    - -modifyworld.blocks.place.128:1

    - -modifyworld.blocks.destroy.128:1

    - -modifyworld.blocks.interact.128:1

    - -modifyworld.blocks.place.126:3

    - -modifyworld.blocks.destroy.126:3

    - -modifyworld.blocks.interact.126:3

    - -modifyworld.blocks.place.126:4

    - -modifyworld.blocks.destroy.126:4

    - -modifyworld.blocks.interact.126:4

    - -modifyworld.blocks.place.126:10

    - -modifyworld.blocks.destroy.126:10

    - -modifyworld.blocks.interact.126:10

    - -modifyworld.blocks.place.126:11

    - -modifyworld.blocks.destroy.126:11

    - -modifyworld.blocks.interact.126:11

    - -modifyworld.blocks.place.130

    - -modifyworld.blocks.destroy.130

    - -modifyworld.blocks.interact.130

    - modifyworld.*

    - modifyworld.blocks.interact.*

    - modifyworld.blocks.destroy.*

    - modifyworld.blocks.place.*

    prefix: '&f[&2Member&f] '

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Looks like it should work fine for me, not sure what the issue is. Mine's laid out like this and works fine:

    - -modifyworld.items.have.30208:*

    - -modifyworld.items.have.3364

    - -modifyworld.blocks.place.237

    - -modifyworld.items.have.237

    - -modifyworld.items.have.3362

    - -modifyworld.items.have.30214

    - -modifyworld.items.have.30215

    - modifyworld.*

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