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I have optifine on my modpack. In the custom server tutorial it said that I needed to delete this and all client side mods. Is there a way I can bypass this? Optifine makes my modpack run way better, and I would really like to keep it.


Also does this mean I must delete my core mods, suck as Cofh core and code chicken core?

  • Discord Moderator

Client only mods are those which only change the way things are displayed or rendered on the client. They are mods which do not modify the data going between the client and server. As such, they all need to be removed since the server does not have the client render code included.


In your case, OptiFine is only ever used on the client. You can safely use it on your client even though it isn't (and can't be) installed on the server. This would go for any other client only mods such as DamageIndicators, ArmorStatusHUD, DynamicLights, etc.


I don't understand this because I have seen servers online (youtube series') which have used mods such as smart moving, optifine and Not enough items mod. How do they do this?

  • Discord Moderator

I don't think you are quite following me. The SERVER doesn't care if the CLIENT has OptiFine installed. Having OptiFine on the client does nothing to/for the server and so the client can have it installed while playing and that is what you are seeing. If you watched a YouTube video of the server it would be a very boring scrolling of text up the screen. What you are seeing is a person who has installed OptiFine (or smart moving, or shaders, etc.) on their client into an existing modpack and then connected to the server normally.

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