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[3.0.3/3.0.4] Plugins that add recipes cause Tekkit to spam console errors



Title: Plugins that add recipes cause Tekkit to spam console errors

Version: 3.0.3/3.0.4

OS: CentOS Linux 64-bit

Java Version: 1.7.0_01

Description of Problem:

Plugins that add recipes, such as RecipeManager, cause Tekkit to spam errors in the console. This bug is not limited to RecipeManager or plugins that add custom recipes, since a hardcoded recipe also causes the errors. Please see my ticket below sent to RecipeManager for additional information, if necessary.

My ticket sent to RecipeManager confirms it's not caused by the plugin: http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/recipemanager/tickets/68-comparison-method-violates-its-general-contract/

Error Messages:

Error Log:


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Sct says that this is probably caused by one of the mod ports in Tekkit, but he doesn't know which one. I think the first step to fixing this bug would be to figure out which mod port is the cause so I can submit a bug report to that mod port's author.

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Mushroomhostage (on the RecipeManager ticket) seems to believe it's either being caused by the port of IC2, RP2, or both. I don't have a spare computer with enough processing power to run a server to test this myself, so I need someone to do the following:

  • Test IC2 with RecipeManager

    • Install the latest IC2 port on top of vanilla Bukkit.
    • Install RecipeManager and add a recipe. You can use the recipe list I attached in the RecipeManager ticket or make your own.
    • Launch the server and look for the console error shown in my error log file above.
    • Report your findings.

    [*]Test RP2 with RecipeManager

    • Install the latest RP2 port on top of vanilla Bukkit.
    • Install RecipeManager and add a recipe. You can use the recipe list I attached in the RecipeManager ticket or make your own.
    • Launch the server and look for the console error shown in my error log file above.
    • Report your findings.

Afterwards I'll submit a bug report for the appropriate mod port to try to get this fixed. Thanks in advance.

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There is no such thing as vanilla bukkit when it comes to this. They are all on a modified version of bukkit. (Which may be the root cause of this in the first place)

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There is no such thing as vanilla bukkit when it comes to this. They are all on a modified version of bukkit. (Which may be the root cause of this in the first place)

I'm just using the wrong words. I mean without any other mods, except those that are prerequisites.

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OK, this is an odd bug. Kobata was helping me track this down, and we found out that disabling IC2's credit recipes will cause the errors to disappear (tested twice on my end), but disabling IC2's credit recipes and nuke recipe and setting reactor explosions to 0.0 power causes the bug to reappear.

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OK, disabling the nuke recipe and re-enabling the credit recipes did not cause the bug to disappear, so the theory that disabling an odd number of recipe options in the config file would cause the error to disappear turned out to be false. However, since disabling the IC2 credit recipes did work consistently, I think it's safe to say that it's IC2's port that's the cause, to the exclusion of RP2's port.

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I got this information from exphc from #mcportcentral.

<+exphc> Tathar maybe its due to https://github.com/Bukkit/mc-dev/blob/master/net/minecraft/server/RecipeSorter.java hardcoding vanilla recipes

<+exphc> recipe types, that is. ShapelessRecipe and ShapedRecipe

<Tathar> that's a possibility

<Tathar> I'll link you the tekkit bug report, we're collecting all the information there

<Tathar> there's some on the recipemanager ticket linked to from it too though

<Tathar> http://forums.technicpack.net/threads/3-0-3-3-0-4-plugins-that-add-recipes-cause-tekkit-to-spam-console-errors.10936/

<+exphc> i'd better get going, but I'd say you could try making the net.minecraft.server.RecipeSorter recognize (or at least not only recognize net.minecraft.server.Shapelessrecipe/ShapedRecipe to the exclusion of) ic2.common.AdvRecipe/AdvShapelessRecipe

<+exphc> also eloraam.core.RPCover and I enderstorage has its own recipe type

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Also from #mcportcentral:

[00:08] <Tathar> lol, this is turning out to be a really enigmatic bug

[00:09] <Tathar> it might be that it requires multiple mods working together for it to start showing up

[00:10] <Tathar> immibis: does tubestuff do anything weird with recipes that might cause this bug?

[00:10] <immibis> which bug?

[00:10] <Tathar> hold on, I'll link the thread

[00:10] <Tathar> http://forums.technicpack.net/threads/3-0-3-3-0-4-plugins-that-add-recipes-cause-tekkit-to-spam-console-errors.10936/

[00:12] <immibis> it's never done anything wierd with recipes (except the microblock system that's permanently disabled for now anyway)

[00:12] <immibis> weird*

[00:13] <Tathar> what about anything it does in conjunction with RP2 and IC2?

[00:14] <immibis> doesn't do anything in conjunction with IC2, and all it does with RP2 is read its config file to get item IDs for use in recipes

[00:14] <Tathar> we're working on tracking down this bug in synirc's #technic, by the way

[00:18] <immibis> actually, it could be that it's thrown by tubestuff because tubestuff *uses* recipes, in the auto crafting table

[00:19] <immibis> although all it does is look through the recipe list for a recipe that matches the ingredients

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It's looking like it's a bug caused by multiple mods installed together, rather than any individual mod. That complicates things.

I don't know what to do at this point. I think we might need to enlist help from the mod porters themselves, since they know their ports better than we do.

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