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Posts posted by sct

  1. The server has been tested on linux and works just fine. Show me your entire server log. Those conflicts aren't the issue. It's probably something else. Is there ANOTHER conflict issue that you aren't showing me in the bug report? Pastebin your log.

  2. And like I said in the other thread, we do not recommend using older server versions. When we release a new server build it's because we are making the push to that version.

    The only reason it's not recommend yet is because (like danidas said) we want to give time for servers to settle in to the new update.

  3. "and remember not to distribute the changed versions of our software."

    This includes modified source/class files required to write mods in the first place for most of them. Those are software, and changes versions. It doesn't matter if it's one piece or the whole thing, it's illegal. However, to be fair, the terms for minecraft are utter crap in the legal sense. He half-exempts them on the next line, so who really knows unless it actually went to court.

    If it went to court it wouldn't matter because of this line "We reserve the right to change this agreement at any time with or without notice, with immediate and/or retroactive effect."

  4. Hey, I was just wondering, and I guess this is kind of On-topic.

    I have seen multiple Xenforo sites who allowed to directly embed videos from hosting sites (Youtube etc..). I wanted to know if this feature was absent from Technic forums for a particular reason, or if it could be added in the future. I don't know if it would be a lot of work to add this, and of course, if you don't want to add it, I won't say anything about it. :D

    We have it disabled for a reason. Youtube videos add tremendously to page load time. No reason for it. Just link to the video.

  5. I have faith in Sony's ability to replicate business strategies that make them a crapton of money. My only real concern is that the cosmetic is going to cross the border into ridiculousness, and a year or so after release I'll find myself shooting down heart-camo Galaxies equipped with bubble rockets and pink bubblegum cockpits.

    I dunno that sounds pretty great


    But no, really, is it any good? Worth getting into?

    Its a great show. It has a well written storyline (at least the first couple seasons) and the acting is great. The characters really sell themselves. Lots of humor and the show doesn't take itself too seriously. Give the first couple episodes a shot. I love it.

    edit: I am a wizard though

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