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Everything posted by Backplague

  1. It will come when it comes. There was a list somewhere that had all the Bukkit ports ready for 1.2.5. When that list has all the mods on Tekkit, the update should come inside the next week. That is,
  2. You can use RecipeManager to block the crafting of iridium ore. Messing with the blast force will of course make the explosions bigger (blast force * TNT power = explosion size), so a value of 60 will be equivalent of 60 TNT's blowing up at the same time in the same place. The only thing you can mess up is the world or your buildings. Too big explosions may also crash Tekkit or your computer.
  3. Usually no, but since Forestry is being removed, you might want to install it immediately after the update and apply the fix for it. If you are using Forestry stuff (farms, electrical engines etc.) in your world, they may just go away or corrupt the world. I dont know where to find the fix though.
  4. The Energy Link is connected to a wooden transport pipe from the bottom and the pipe is connected to an Induction Furnace at the back. The Energy Link gets 512EU/t. I have several other Energy Links working with advanced machines, just this one is not working.
  5. As KakerMix said, "This mod now disables certain features when used in conjunction with the Technic Launcher."
  6. Thanks, the Energy Link works fine It doesn't seem to work with Induction Furnaces though :(
  7. How can i actually use Energy Links to suck stuff out of chests, since that's the only thing i use Electrical Engines for.
  8. They are at "%appdata%/.techniclauncher/tekkit/screenshots".
  9. In the IC2.cfg there is the "recyclerBlacklist" thingie. Add every block's ID you dont want to be recycled to that list.
  10. Can energy links suck a lot of stuff out of a chest very quickly? And no, i will not use combustion/steam engines. I want my machines to work 24/7, the only thing you have to do is to supply more stuff to macerate, recycle or burn to them. Not add fuel all the time. Redstone engines are also too slow.
  11. Then what did KakerMix say about the whole Forestry mod not being compatible with Tekkit, even if manually installed?
  12. Since i am using them alot, it would be really nice to maybe include the Electrical Engines with Tekkit. My base has many Electrical Engines and if have to go replacing each one with Redstone Engines, i will not do it. So please, do keep the Electrical Engines. Thanks! Also off-topic, am i allowed to swear here?
  13. Why is WorldEdit not in singleplayer since i think it does work in singleplayer.
  14. Well i have been thinking of making a 10 blocks high room next to it and expand my machinery room downwards but ill see what ill do.
  15. Since i need more space in my base to prepare for the update, i have to move it 30-40 blocks down. The base is big and complicated, so it would actually be easier to just blow it up and make a new one. But since WorldEdit can move blocks down, this would be super easy. But WorldEdit cannot set damage values on some blocks, so RedPower wires become to slabs, all machinery turn into generator's or machine blocks and all cables turn into copper cables. Same with computers, all data on the computers are lost and their orientation changes. So, is there anything to do to have WorldEdit save all that data and restore it?
  16. But i already have two MFSU's, both set to not output power when redstone current is applied, and i want it to be on when the solar panels are on, since im about to make a huge monitor that will say when the solar panels are producing power.
  17. It would be nice if it was on when the solar panels are on aswell :/
  18. The Minecraft authentication server (server that makes sure you have bought Minecraft) is down right now. No one can mostly login to any server right now.
  19. I have 225 high voltage solar arrays connected to an MFSU and in between there is one detector cable. The cable is going on for a second every once in a while but its supposed to be on all the time since power is obviously going through. Is there any way to fix this?
  20. The farm is being powered by 2 Electrical Engines and they are being powered by an MFSU. Still, the farm is leaving a 2 wide strip in the right, and if i place a block in that small hole in the upper corner, the block is removed and no item is dropped. There is another farm that is exactly the same next to this one and it's fully working. Both farms are powered by the same MFSU by the way.
  21. For me it says Incorrect usernameField/passwordField combination.
  22. You have to earn it in the real Minecraft, which requires Mojang to give them.
  23. Since i have migrated my Minecraft account, i have to use my email to login to Tekkit. Its annoying that the login will remember my username, not my email which i have used to login with, so it would be nice if it could remember the last thing logged in with.
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