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Everything posted by Soupa

  1. I modded my minecraft and got witchery. I got 99 problems, but I am all of them.
  2. what is Borzoi
  3. spooky 3 eyes
  4. Where did everyone go did they just get sick of my whining?? I'm going to whine more wa waa *WHALE SOUNDS* Also I am going to actually whine because my teacher signed me up for an art contest without me knowing, and on the last day he came to me and said: "I signed you up for an art contest, also I need two original finished pieces today." He then gave me a contract (it was more like an info sheet) to have my parents sign. Then proceeded not to tell me it was due tomorrow, so the following day: "OH, um yea I need that contract today. also you need to write a better artist statement" The artist statement is like something I learned from doing the drawing, and questioning everything again. I had already written it, something along the lines of "I'm never painting leaves ever again." and "I just like drawing." But I guess they aren't deep enough. So I just wrote the same thing. I'm so good at art guys. (Also I'm hoping my art doesn't make states, because it means more work and trying to explain the deeper meaning to people when there is none. I probably won't because I entered digital art, so most people will assume It's Photoshop and takes no effort.)
  5. Where's the beef????

    1. Torezu


      Where's the cream filling?

    2. Phantomaus


      Where's the pineapple ?????????????

  6. I don't know why I laughed at this.
  7. I've become super hyper vigilant with my computer every time it makes a 'sound' ever since i got that false hard disk failure message. They are just normal computer sounds (like the fan and disk) but I keep making myself think there's the death rattle in there. Then Google. http://www.datacent.com/hard_drive_sounds.php I now know the death rattle is no little click or purr. It is a painful scream.
  8. I lied I kinda fixed it.
  9. I finished it and it looks really washed out for some reason, but I'm too lazy to fix it. Art overlord out.
  10. My hands.
  11. 208% More Fishy.

    1. Melfice


      That 8 percent really makes the difference overĀ [other brand].

  12. Poni
  13. I went to the doctor to get my blood tested because I've been sick. Apparently I've had mononucleosis for four months. I always just thought when I woke up in the morning really tired and stayed tired throughout the day, I was being whiny and had to suck it up.
  14. I started playing starbound again.
  15. Spooky ghost touhou
  16. I tried drawing characters from memory.
  17. It's time for some nue stuff. (hue hue nue new)
  18. Poni
  19. So close.
  20. Eyebrows
  21. I accidentally quoted myself thinking i was editing and now I fucked up. I can't win.
  22. My new tan sketchbook is great Also i can't use it for my class because it's tan and that doesn't conform to class standards so I'm going all out anime on it.
  23. also
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